Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Vault/ MCAA Legal Diversity Job Fair

Dear Student :

Vault and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) have planned a Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit. This national event will take place in New York City on April 21st and 22nd.

Here are some more details about the event:

Q. When and where is the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit?

A. The networking session will be held on Friday, April 21st from 6pm – 9pm at the Metropolitan Pavilion located at 125 W. 18th Street, New York, NY

The Job Fair and Leadership Summit will be held from 9am – 4:30pm on Saturday, April 22nd. This will also take place at the Metropolitan Pavilion located at 125 W. 18th Street, New York, NY

Q. Who will be invited to attend the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit?

A. While all students and lateral associates are welcome to attend, the Legal Diversity Job Fair specifically targets the following underrepresented groups:

Minority, female and GLBT 1Ls who are researching employers in preparation for fall recruiting
Minority, female and GLBT 2Ls and 3Ls who have not yet committed to a firm or other employer
Minority, female and GLBT lateral associates who are looking for new opportunities

Q. Is there a charge to attend the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit?

A. There is no charge for students and lateral associates to attend the Friday night networking reception or the Saturday Job Fair & Leadership Summit.

Q. How do I register for the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit?

A. All students and lateral associates interested in attending the event are asked to register online at:

While, it is possible to register the day of the event, space is limited and we strongly recommend that you register by April 7th.

Q. What is the format of the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit?

A. Friday will consist of:

A networking reception and keynote speaker will be held on Friday, April 21st. Students, lateral associates, law firm partners and recruiting personnel, general counsel, and career center personnel are invited to sign-up for this event; however, due to space restrictions, a lottery will be held to determine the final invite list. There are no costs associated with attending the networking reception.

Saturday will consist of:

A Job Fair where law firms, corporations and other legal employers will have exhibitor booths. Students and lateral associates are welcome to visit the job fair, meet with representatives from various companies, drop off their resume and pick-up materials on some of today’s top legal employers.

A Career Center & Internet Cafe will be available for students who want to print resumes, receive resume advice and gain free access to Vault’s treasure trove of information on legal careers and legal employers. An Interview Center will be set up for mock interview sessions. Law student educational sessions will be held throughout the day to deliver educational content through presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions.

Lateral associate professional development sessions are also scheduled to provide professional development content for young associates on topics such as rain-making tactics and how to get involved in your law firm's diversity mission.

A morning keynote speaker, morning break, lunch program and afternoon break are also scheduled on Saturday.

To view the complete agenda please go to:

Q. Will interviews be held during the Job Fair?

A. We will maintain interview stations on-site. We require students and lateral associates who register for the event to submit their resume. The resumes will then be made available to employers who may contact select 2L and 3L students and lateral associates to arrange interviews. Please note, submission of resume does not guarantee an interview.

Q. Should I bring my resume to the Job Fair?

A. Yes, please bring multiple copies of your resume to distribute to potential employers. We will also have resume printing stations available at the event.

Q. What is the dress code for the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit?

A. Business casual dress is recommended.

Q. Who is organizing this event?

A. Vault, the leading source of career information for law students and associates, has partnered with the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA), an advocate for increased diversity in the legal profession, to produce a legal diversity career fair for law students and lateral associates. To learn more about Vault and MCCA please go to:

Q. Are you contacting any student organizations regarding the event?

A. We have reached out to many minority, female and GLBT law school student organizations and have already received support from many of the organizations. To see a list of supporting organizations please go to:

If you are a member of a student organization and would like to learn how you can promote this event to your organization please email us at

Q. Is the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit open to students and lateral associates from across the U.S.?

A. Yes, we are promoting this event nationwide and encourage everyone, especially minority, female and GLBT law students and lateral associates to attend the event.

Q. What employers will be exhibiting at the Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit?

A. Law firms, government agencies, legal recruiters and corporate counsel departments that are interested in meeting with a diverse group of students and lateral associates have been invited to exhibit at the event. To view a current listing of sponsors and exhibitors please go to:

Register today for the Vault/MCCA Legal Diversity Job Fair & Leadership Summit. Register at:

1 comment:

Padmanaban said...

Hi, if you need to succeed in life you have to improve your skills to a maximum level. There are lots of jobs in Chennai, and one can get placed with high salary. Interested persons can visit and utilize the opportunities.