Thursday, March 02, 2006

Culture v. The Workplace Panel (Mar. 9)

Save the Date! March 9, during the lunch hour in a location to be decided. SALSA, LALSA, Lambda, BLSA, and APALSA will be providing speakers to serve as the panelists.

Culture vs. the Workplace: Facing the Choice of Leaving Who You are at Home

How do lawyers mediate between aspects of their identity (culture, race, gender, religion) and what they perceive as the dominant firm culture? How have Black lawyers dealt with the choice of keeping their hair in braids after joining a firm? Have immigrant lawyers felt like they had to “drop” their accents to sound more educated or more American? What about family? When a senior partner invites a young associate out to drinks after work, how does he make the choice between face-time with the partner vs. family commitments he or she may have?

These are the types of issues we would like the panel to address. The idea is for established lawyers to share their personal stories with law students who will soon be facing questions like these.

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