Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Eating History Workshop: Hong Kong Anti-WTO Reportback

Hong Kong Anti-WTO Reportback

Wednesday, March 15, 6:00-9:00 PM
Posner Auditorium, Tufts Chinatown campus

(200 Harrison Ave, Boston)

· Has the WTO policies really helped impoverished countries develop their economy and infrastructure?

· Why did the Korean farmers perform a full bow--silently and with humility--for 1 mile all the way to the WTO center?

· Why do these farmers, women, and migrants stand together against police harassment and arrest?

· How has the WTO affected their lives and livelihood?

Come see exclusive film footage of the protests & to hear a presentation by Ching-In Chen, who went to the WTO protests in Hong Kong as part of the US Asian American delegation of displaced garment workers, youth, activists, and organizers to stand in solidarity with the worldwide opposition to corporate globalization.

This event includes a light dinner at 6:00pm. A $5 donation will be requested.
RSVP by Friday March 10th.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact (617) 426-5313 or info@aarw.org

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