Friday, March 31, 2006

75th Celebration for Harold Koh (Apr. 3)

Monday, April 3
East Wing 120
4:00 P.M. (with reception to follow)

In conjunction with Diversity Month, the 75th Celebration will be honoring Harold Hongju Koh, Dean of Yale Law School and renowned scholar in international law and human rights. Dean Koh's grandfather was also the first graduate of this Law School from Asia. The Law School will be giving him the Distinguished Service Award, and he will be making a presentation to the school-wide community on Monday, April 3rd, at 4:00pm.

APALSA is cosponsoring this event.

P.S. At 2pm on the same day, Dean Koh will be giving a presentation on international law and human rights as it pertains to immigration in Stuart 411.

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