Thursday, March 30, 2006

Minority Law Student Survey -- and free iPod!

Dear Minority Student Group Leaders and Law School Administrators: This year, a group of student leaders of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA), the Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA), and La Alianza (the Latino/a student organization) based at Harvard Law School are conducting an online survey of law student experiences among minority law students. Our goal in disseminating this survey is to gather first-hand accounts about law school in order to create a unique, web-based guide for minority law school applicants. For administrators, please forward this email--including the link to the online survey below--to your minority student group leaders, encouraging them to forward it to their list-serves. For minority student group leaders, please forward it to your list-serves. Keep in mind, minority student group list-serves are the ultimate destination! Given the need to keep the methodology uniform across schools, we ask that you not publicize the survey in other ways. The survey can be found online at:
Note that survey respondents will be eligible to win 1 of 5 iPod nanos; feel free to highlight this prominently when forwarding this information along!

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