Tuesday, May 24, 2005

NBPA Job Fair

Attached is the Job Fair Package for the National Black Prosecutors
Association Annual Job Fair. The goal of the NBPA's Job Fair is to
promote diversity in prosecutors' offices by providing a forum where
prospective employers can easily access highly qualified minority
candidates from all over the country. Please disseminate the Job Fair
information to your colleagues, students and alumni. If you have any
further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

Audrey S. Moore
NBPA Job Fair Coordinator
Deputy Bureau Chief
New York County District Attorney's Office
Family Violence and Child Abuse Bureau
(212) 335-4205

PLEASE NOTE: Email Cecilia (ceciliaychen@gmail.com) if you are interested in order to receive registration forms via email.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Asian American movie "Saving Face" opens in Boston on June 3

Dear Members of the Asian and Asian-American

"Saving Face" is an Asian-American feature film starring Joan Chen
that is opening starting Memorial Day weekend in NY/LA, and depending
how it does there, in other cities afterwards.

Will Smith is one of the producers and it is being distributed by Sony Pictures Classics. How well this film does on opening weekends helps
the studio decide what other cities to open in and how long it will
stay in theaters. It also affects the future of how Hollywood will
promote and support Asian American films in the future.

Saving Face is a romantic comedy about a daughter struggling to
understand her mother's heart, which ultimately allows her to
understand her own. It is a story of unspoken loves, contemporary and
cultural taboos, and the journey of two women towards living their
lives honestly.

Because "Saving Face" is an indie film, it has a small budget for
marketing and will do well strictly on word-of-mouth. Please post
this for your readers, forward to your mailing lists, organize a
viewing party, tell your friends in NY and LA, or just come out
opening weekend in your city!

See the trailer at:

NYC AND LA - 5/27
BOSTON - 6/3
ATLANTA - 6/24
CHICAGO - 6/10
DALLAS- 6/17
MIAMI 6/17
ST. LOUIS 6/24

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Rocky Mountain Legal Career Fair

The third annual Rocky Mountain Diversity Legal Career Fair will be held at the foot of the Rockies at the Renaissance Suites at Flatirons in Broomfield on Friday, September 16, 2005. Law students and 2005 law school graduates are invited to apply online for interviews with participating employers during the fair. There is no fee for students to register before the August 5th deadline. Students will need to submit a cover letter, transcripts, resume and writing sample.
In 2004, employers from the private, public, federal and judicial legal communities in Arizona, Colorado, Oregon and Washington reviewed resumes from nearly 250 students from 39 law schools in 29 states.
Online student registration begins Friday, May 13, 2005. Student registration ends August 5. Visit www.rmdlcf.com for more info or email melissa@rmdlcf.com.

Monday, May 09, 2005

BC SALSA’s Inaugural End of the Year Banquet

Where: Barat House

When: Tuesday, May 10, 6:00pm

Enjoy great Middle Eastern food with us as we celebrate our first year as an organization. We would like to show our appreciation to all those organizations and individuals who have lent us their support. Rest assured, this event is more about taking a little time off to socialize than to sit through speeches, so please join us. Dress is casual.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Students of Color Retreat Committees

Did you enjoy the Student of Color Retreat last fall? Would you like to assist in providing an improved experience to incoming 1Ls?

If so, please SIGN UP to one of the following committees BY MONDAY, MAY 9TH AT [edited] 5 PM. Simply e-mail Eric Averion and we'll be in touch with you soon after.

Your help is greatly appreciated and we'll be sure to add some fun to the process :-)

The committees are:

1) Study Advice Committee: plan student-run sessions including outlining, study advice (professor specific, study guides, study groups, study habits…), among others

2) Job Search Committee: plan student-run sessions including mentoring, networking, resume, applications timetable (firms & public interest), among others

3) Diversity Committee: plan diversity activities (skits, professor's view of diversity on campus??) – be creative!!!

4) Faculty Committee: plan faculty-run sessions including mock class, faculty breakfast, and others

5) Social Events Committee: plan icebreakers, BBQ, day and evening activities… - keep the students entertained!!!

6) Site Selection Committee: assist in finding the retreat site, negotiating a deal ($$$), visiting sites…

7) Food Planning Committee: selecting the food for the retreat – we are planning on serving more ethnic food this year – may work with social events committee on BBQ

8) Scheduling Committee : after the other committees have reached final planning stage, scheduling committee will plan/organize the timing of the events and assure that all is running according to schedule during the retreat itself

9) Budget Committee: this committee is already formed (Eric, Shiva, Rebecca and Kanasha)

10) Speaker Planning Committee: tentative topic: "Charting a legal career as an attorney of color"

11) Logistics Committee: welcoming, invitations, transportation, registration, and others

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Cinco de Mayo


Cinco de Mayo

Thursday, May 5th



Mexican food & Sangria will be served

All are welcome!

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican army over the French army at The Battle Of Puebla in 1862

Sponsored by:

International Law Society and

Latino American Law Student Association

May 18: Women of Color Committee meeting of the Women's Bar Association

6 p.m. on May 18, at Mintz Levin (One Financial Center), in Room 40A (enter on floor 41). Please contact Agnes Lee Sym (alsym@mintz.com) to get security clearance into the building. Please arrive before 6, as after that, they will need to obtain an escort for each attendee. (Bring photo ID.)

Guest speaker: Navjeet Bal, of Counsel to Mintz Levin, who practices in public law, especially public financing.

Light sandwiches provided for this meeting.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

NAPABA Spring 2005 update

AALAM (Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts) has posted the NAPABA update online (link) for us to read, albeit in one giant, hard-to-read graphics file.

Dewey Ballantine Diversity Reception on June 6

Dewey Ballantine invites 1Ls from the affinity organizations to the following:

Please join attorneys from Dewey Ballantine LLP for a reception celebrating diversity in the workplace on Monday, June 6 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Frederick's Bar & Lounge (8 West 58th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues) in New York City. RSVP to Jodi Malester (jmalester@deweyballantine.com) by May 31st.

Asian American Resource Workshop Annual Banquet

The Asian American Resource Workshop (AARW) is a local non-profit in Boston doing community work centered on Asian American issues.

This Saturday they will be having their annual fundraising banquet at
Green Field, a new Brazilian BBQ house in Brighton.

Dinner will be followed by performances from some local Asian American artist including Melissa Li (folksinger) and Vudoo Soul and guest speaker, Jane Sung E. Bai, Executive Director of CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities.

The money this event raises goes a long way in helping AARW sponsor educational, socially responsible programs throughout the year.

The student price is $45. Click on the links below if you are interested in going. I am planing on going and this is a great way to meet and connect with local Asian American community activists and organizations.



Monday, May 02, 2005

Sam Yoon needs volunteers for May 7 signature drive

The message below is from Sam Yoon's campaign for City Council:

The Committee To Elect Sam Yoon
May 7th Signature Drive
May 2005

Calling All Volunteers!

We need you! This coming Saturday May 7th, we need volunteers in groups of two's or more to help collect signatures so we can get Sam Yoon's name on the ballot!

We'll gather for some very brief training and then go to pre- determined "hot-spots" to collect signatures during the afternoon.

It's easy and fun so bring some friends. Afterwards, around 5:30, we'll all get together for some food and fun. Meet other volunteers, and get to know Sam!

If you're available this saturday (5/7), even for just a couple of hours, please respond to this e-mail as soon as possible.

Or call me at 617-288-1241. Come on out, get involved, and help Sam become your voice on the Boston City Council!

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Contact Information
email: volunteersforsamyoon@gmail.com
phone: 617-288-1241
web: http://www.samyoon.com