The Asian Law Journal of the University of California at Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) has recently changed its name to the Asian American Law Journal, reaffirming our commitment to addressing issues of concern for Asians in the United States. We would like to invite your members to submit an article for our fourteenth regular volume or our special upcoming volume dedicated to affirmative action and overturning Proposition 209. (Please feel free to circulate this email widely.)
Please submit any previously unpublished article, note or comment regarding legal, political, or social issues that you believe have impacted the Asian Pacific American community.
If you are interested in contributing to the fourteenth volume of AALJ or the special affirmative action issue, please send us your submission early. Articles will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis until Friday, September 1, 2006. Those accepted by the AALJ editorial board will undergo two rounds of editing. The editing process may continue through Spring 2007. Final publication is scheduled for May of 2007.
Articles submitted should meet the following requirements:
* The article must be sent in Microsoft Word format, as an e-mail attachment, to the following address:
* The article must be double-spaced and single-sided.
* The article must be in 12 point font and at least thirty (30) pages in length, with one inch margins. (Note: shorter pieces will be considered for the Notes and Comments section of the journal.)
* Footnotes must be within the text (i.e. incorporated at the end of each page). Footnote citations should be according to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed.).
* Statements made in the text must be supported by outside authority.
* The first draft of the article must be submitted by Friday, September 1, 2006. (This deadline may be altered to fit your schedule.)
* The second draft of the article must be submitted within two weeks after receiving AALJ's suggested revisions of the first draft.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the submission process, please do not hesitate to contact us via email. We look forward to receiving your submissions. Thank you for your time and attention.
Best regards,
Kati Hong and Jenny Lam
Submissions Editors
Asian American Law Journal
U.C. Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law
589 Simon Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
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