Sunday, February 19, 2006

Foley Hoag networking, mock interviewing for 1Ls of color (March 13, 5:30 pm, RSVP by March 1)

On Monday, March 13, Foley Hoag will host an event for local 1L students of color. While the event will focus on assisting students in polishing their resumes and on providing interview tips, it will also provide an opportunity for 1Ls to meet members of the firm’s Hiring Committee in advance of next fall’s hiring process. Students can also chat over hors d’oeuvres with other Foley Hoag lawyers from a wide variety of practice groups, who will be well situated to answer practice-specific and other questions.

Official announcement below:

Get personalized advice on your resume from members of the firm’s Hiring Committee in
preparation for The Boston Lawyers Group Mock Interview Program and the fall hiring season.

Monday, March 13
5:30 pm

RSVP by submitting your resume to by March 1, 2006.

Foley Hoag LLP
Seaport World Trade Center West
155 Seaport Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts

Complimentary parking at the Seaport Hotel Garage
and easily accessible by public transportation.
See for directions.

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