Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bingham McCutchen Pro Bono event (Mar. 16)

Dear 1L Students,

I wanted to this share invitation with you on behalf of Boston Lawyers Group member firm, Bingham McCutchen LLP. The details are listed below.

Bingham McCutchen LLP presents
Doing Good While Doing Well:
Pro Bono and the Practice of Law in a Major National Law Firm

150 Federal Street, Boston
16th Floor
Thursday, March 16th from
5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m

For directions, visit www.bingham.com

Please RSVP by March 1st to Donna Yergeau at donna.yergeau@bingham.com

Join attorneys practicing at a major firm to talk about their real life experiences doing pro bono
and community service work.

Topics we'll cover include:
* Can you serve the public interest while working at a large firm?
* Does joining a large law firm mean the end of connections with one's community?
* Is joining a large firm "selling out"?
* How do firms really feel about pro bono - and how can you tell?

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