Monday, October 24, 2005

Chinatown Street Theater - Sunday Oct 30 @ 1PM

Hi everyone,

The Chinese Progressive Association, Chinatown Resident Association, and Tenant Mutual Support Group are putting together a street theatre event on Sunday, October 30th, at 1:00PM. During the past year, many Chinese immigrant families and tenants from different buildings in Chinatown have faced drastic rent increases due to waves of luxury development in and around the Chinatown community. As a result of this, tenants who have lived in the neighborhood for years are being displaced due to unaffordable rents.

Yet, because of these struggles, many tenants have become very active and involved in protecting their homes and in the movement to preserve affordable housing in Chinatown and beyond. The purposes of this street theatre event are to increase the public awareness both within and outside the community about the serious impacts that gentrification have brought
with it, what tenants have done and the results of them organizing, and what we can do to address the affordable housing crisis that Chinatown and other Boston neighborhoods are facing.

If you are interested in volunteering with e.g. making props, doing outreach, acting, please let me know. If you and your friends are free that day, we hope you can come and support the tenants! Please help get the word out. Thanks a bunch!

Alice Leung
Community Organizer
Chinese Progressive Association
33 Harrison Ave
Boston, MA 02111

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