Friday, October 07, 2005

1Ls now have access to LexisNexis webcourse!

All 1Ls** are now signed up for the LexisNexis webcourse! To access the webcourse, log in to LexisNexis, select the "Web Courses" tab, launch WebCourses, and select the APALSA of BC webcourse.

Although the non-1L courses are still just as disorganized as they were before I became Secretary, I did spend a lot of time trying to make the 1L outlines more organized, so hopefully this will make things easier for you guys. There are several new outlines from 2Ls up on the webcourse right now; as time goes on, I hope to add more.

** Disclaimer: There are a very small number of 1Ls who have no LexisNexis username at all, apparently because they have never ever used LexisNexis, so I could not sign them up. But every other 1L who is a current APALSA member is signed up for the webcourse.

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