Monday, September 19, 2005

Coalition For Equality: 1st General Meeting

Please join the Coalition for Equality at our first general meeting of the year.

This Friday, September 23

12:30-1:30 in East Wing 200

Pizza and refreshments will be provided!

Come hear about what CFE has in store this year, including (but not limited to):

SUPREME COURT ARGUMENTS: This December, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear FAIR v. Rumsfeld, a case that started here at Boston College Law School, challenging the Solomon Amendment. CFE is a named plaintiff in the suit, and we want to tell you all about it! We'll present a quick overview of how the case got started, where it's going, and how we're all traveling to DC to support the suit in December!

SOLOMON DAYS: We're presenting a two-day series of events this year bringing big names in law and policy to the law school to talk about the various arguments in the Solomon lawsuit and their impact on the future of the country, including gay rights, first amendment law, and the meaning of the commerce clause. We'll say more about it on Friday, including how you can be a part of these exciting events.

PROTESTS: What we do best! Last year, the Third Circuit affirmed what we already knew: that it violates our rights to have a discriminatory employer on campus who forces the school to breach its nondiscrimination policy (see ). So we will continue to protest the presence of the one discriminatory employer on campus. The military is recruiting in October, and CFE is ready to welcome them in style, with ribbons, posters, and other public education tools telling the school community that it's harmful to students when we violate our nondiscrimination policy.

MUCH MORE! CFE is the only multi-issue, grassroots organization on campus committed to representing the voices of those who are silent, under-represented, or discriminated against on this campus and beyond. Please join us to hear more and to share your ideas for activism on the BCLS campus.

P.S. Also join Lambda and CFE this Thursday, when Connecticut State Senator Andrew McDonald, who authored the CT Civil Unions Bill, will speak about the various routes to marriage equality in EW 120 at 3:30. Questions? Contact Vicky at

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