Monday, September 24, 2007
Announcements for the week of September 24, 2007
What: 1st Family Program Mingle and Munch
When: Tuesday, September 25th
Time: 8:30 - 10:30 PM
Where: Applebee's (381 Chestnut Hill Ave.)
AALAM ANNUAL KICK-OFF EVENT -- Wednesday, September 26th
As the Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts (AALAM) gets ready for another year, we'd like to invite you to drinks and hors d'oeuvres at our annual kick-off event. It will be a great time of meeting new people, reconnecting with colleagues and classmates, and learning about what AALAM has in store for the year ahead. Feel free to bring others and spread the word!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Bingham McCutchen
150 Federal Street
Boston, MA
Contact Vince Lau if you have any questions: vlau [at] flynnclark [dot] com
STUDY BREAK! -- Friday, September 28th
Ready for a break from classes? Join APALSA for a study break Friday, September 28th to detox, de-stress and decompress from the first month of fall semester!
Keep an eye on your inbox for more details and a reminder later in the week!
AALAM PANEL DISCUSSION -- Thursday, October 18th
The Asian American Lawyers Association of Massachusetts (AALAM)Proudly Invites You to a Panel DiscussionWith the Asian American Justices of the Massachusetts Courts:
Justice Fernande R.V. Duffly, Appeals Court
Justice Richard J. Chin, Superior Court
Justice John Thomas Lu, Superior Court
Justice Sabita Singh, District Court
Justice Eleanor Coe Sinnott, Boston Municipal Court
When: October 18, 2007
Where: Adams Courthouse, Second Floor Conference Room
Time: 5:30-7:30
Following the Panel, AALAM Will Host a Reception Serving Appetizers and Beverages.
Please RSVP with Romeo Camba at: rgcamba [at] yahoo [dot] com
To promote diversity in the legal profession, and to help leading minority law students defray the high costs of their legal education, Goodwin Procter has created the Goodwin Diversity Fellowships. Through these Fellowships, we annually award stipends of $15,000 each to up to three minority law students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance, outstanding leadership, a commitment to community service, interest in the private practice of law, and other special achievements and honors. Finalists who do not receive a Fellowship may receive an offer to join our summer associate program following their second year of law school.
We accept applications for Goodwin Diversity Fellowships from any full-time, currently enrolled student of color who is pursuing a J.D. degree at an accredited law school and has no more than two full years of law school remaining. Students should apply for a Fellowship during the summer before their second year of law school, in connection with signing up to interview with us for a summer associate position the following year. Candidates applying to be Goodwin Diversity Fellows must express interest in joining our Summer Program.
Here is the link to the Goodwin web page about the Diversity Fellowships:
Monday, September 17, 2007
Announcements for the week of September 17, 2007
First General Body Meeting -- Tuesday, September 18th
The Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) would like to invite you to our first general body meeting on Tuesday, September 18th from 12:00-1:00pm in EW 115A. For members of the 1L class interested in becoming involved in APALSA -- we will be having elections for 1L section representatives. You don't need to do anything in advance; just show up!
Also -- for anyone who missed us at the student organization fair, this is a great chance to sign up and meet members of this year's e-board. We will also have second- and third-year students available to answer questions from the 1L class.
There will be FREE Thai food from Bangkok Bistro in Cleveland Circle served for lunch, and ALL are welcome!
Inter-APALSA Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Celebration -- Saturday, September 22nd
Join us for our first Inter-APALSA event Saturday evening (September 22) at Kaze Shabu Restaurant ( in Chinatown.
Come mingle with law students from Harvard, Boston University, Suffolk, Northeastern, and New England School of Law, and have a great dinner (Shabu-shabu, Japanese style hot pot)! We will be paying for the first $10 of your meal, so dinner should be only around $10.
If you are interested, please RSVP with Jane Qin by this Wednesday, September 19. Everyone is welcome!
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans through litigation, legal advocacy, and community education. Legal internships are available in the following program areas:
- Anti-Trafficking Project, legal research on the Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA), as well as outreach, community education, and advocacy on the rights of women and youth trafficking survivors.
- Community Health Care Initiative, legal research, as well as community education and outreach in the areas of immigration, government benefits, language rights, and health care access;
- Economic Justice for Workers, litigation on behalf of garment, restaurant, and other low wage workers;
- Educational Equity and Youth Rights, legal services, policy work, community education, research and litigation concerning educational equity, juvenile justice, affirmative action and post 9-11 hate violence and racial targeting;
- Immigrant Access to Justice, litigation, legal services, and organizing/outreach focusing on communities impacted by 9-11;
- litigation, legal services, and advocacy regarding local and state enforcement of immigration laws;
- legal and policy advocacy and support for community mobilizing and education regarding comprehensive immigration reform;
- South Asian Workers Project, direct legal services on employment-related claims to South Asian immigrant workers, as well as community education and advocacy; and
- Voting Rights, legal research and fact development under the Voting Rights Act and Equal Protection challenging anti-Asian voter discrimination, advocacy on bilingual ballots, and state and local election reform; produce reports and organize public forums.
Description of Internships
Interns are supervised by attorneys in specific program areas. Legal interns will work on litigation, particularly legal research and writing, legal and policy advocacy, client intakes, and some community outreach and education. Each program area differs in emphasis.
These internships are not paid positions, but academic credit can be arranged. Interns work anywhere between 8 to 25 hours per week. The internship usually commences with the start of classes and ends in early December.
To Apply:
Any bilingual ability should be stated in the resume. Bilingual ability is helpful but not required. Applications should also state the number of hours the intern is able to work per week. Send a resume and cover letter to:
Legal Intern Search Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
99 Hudson Street, 12th floor
New York , New York 10013-2815
Fax: 212-966-4303
Email: info [at] aaldef [dot] org
For more information, contact Jennifer Weng at 212-966-5932, ext. 212 or jweng [at] aaldef [dot] org.
for Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law Students
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans through litigation, advocacy, and community education. Fall internships are available for college, graduate, and law students in AALDEF’s Voting Rights Program.
In prior elections, Asian Americans faced a series of barriers in exercising their right to vote; for example, ballots have been mistranslated listing Democratic candidates as Republicans and vice versa, lack of interpreters, denial of language assistance, rude and hostile poll workers.
AALDEF’s Voting Rights Program aims to enhance the political participation of Asian Americans and guard against anti-Asian voter discrimination.
Voting Rights Interns work on the following:
- Election monitoring to ensure Asian Americans are treated fairly at the polls and to document violations of the Voting Right Act and federal Constitution. The Voting Rights Act mandates the availability of Chinese and Korean language assistance and forbids anti-Asian voter discrimination.
- Work with pro bono lawyers at corporate law firms and volunteer law students to inspect poll sites for compliance with the Voting Rights Act and Help American Vote Act.
- Conduct research and advocacy on local, state and federal election reform proposals. Research the need for and use of bilingual ballots, investigate complaints of voting patterns.
- Register new voters after citizenship swearing-in ceremonies.
Description of Fall Internships:
Supervision: Interns are supervised by attorneys through regular meetings and trainings.
Compensation: These internships are not paid positions, but academic credit, college work-study, or a clinical placement can be arranged.
Hours: Interns work anywhere between 12 to 25 hours per week in the office.
Duration: The internship usually follows the semester, commencing with the start of classes or (end of August/ beginning of September) and goes to the first or second week of December.
To Apply: Bilingual ability is helpful but not required and languages (if any) should be stated in the resume. Applicants should also state the number of hours they are looking to contribute per week and a schedule if possible.
Send a resume and cover letter to:
Voting Rights Fall Intern Search
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
99 Hudson Street, 12th floor
New York, New York 10013-2815
Fax: 212-966-4303
Email: info [at] aaldef [dot] org
For more information, contact Glenn D. Magpantay at 212-966-5932, ext. 206 or gmagpantay [at] aaldef [dot] org.
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By combining litigation, advocacy, education and organizing, AALDEF works with Asian American communities across the country to secure human rights for all. Current program priorities include economic justice for workers, immigrants’ rights, voting rights, language access to services, affirmative action, youth rights and educational equity, and the elimination of anti-Asian violence, police misconduct and human trafficking. For more information about AALDEF, visit our website at
Responsibilities include data entry, organizing press clippings, answering phones, doing mailings, and performing general clerical duties. Other responsibilities include providing support for fundraising events, and community education and outreach projects. Computer experience with databases, graphics and web programs helpful. Chinese language ability (for press clippings) also helpful, please note so in application. You must have a federal work study grant.
To Apply:
Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter by September 21, 2007:
Jennifer Weng
Fall Work Study Application
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
99 Hudson Street, 12th Floor
New York , New York 10013
Fax: 212.966.4303
Email: info [at] aaldef [dot] org
For more information, contact Jennifer Weng at 212-966-5932, ext. 212 or jweng [at] aaldef [dot] org.