Monday, January 15, 2007

APALSA Announcements through 1/15/07

BLSA Mock Interview Workshop

Attention 1Ls: In preparing for your interviews, please take advantage of the BLSA Mock Interview workshop. The mock interview workshop is scheduled to take place during the week of January 22nd; however if you have an interview scheduled before that date, accomodations will be made. Please email Bianca ( if you wish to participate by Wednesday, January 17th. 1Ls will be paired with upper classmen interviewers. Each pair will schedule a time according to their respective schedules. 2Ls & 3Ls
are encouraged to sign up as interviewers.We eagerly anticipate strong interest & participation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

International Legal Studies Colloquium

Welcome back! I hope that the early days of the second semester and 2007 have been treating you well. It is my pleasure to announce that the next meeting of the International Legal Studies Colloquium will feature BC Law's own Professors Hugh Ault, Frank Garcia and David Wirth in a panel discussion entitled "International Dispute Resolution: Current Patterns, New Models." The panel will focus on recent developments in two institutional contexts: the World Trade Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It is sponsored by the LL.M. Office and the International Law Program. The colloquium will be held on Tuesday, January 23 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Professor Ault will be participating from Paris, but the rest of us will be meeting in Stuart 414. Bring your own lunch; dessert will be provided. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fordham Summer Program/Internships in Korea

Fordham University School of Law and Sungkyunkwan University College of Law are pleased to co-sponsor the second annual Summer Law Institute, a three week academic program in international and comparative law in Seoul, Korea from June 12-29, 2007. The first Institute, in 2006, was attended by 87 law students and practitioners, with students coming from 35 U.S. and Canadian law schools including UC-Berkeley, Duke, Emory, Fordham, Hastings, North Carolina, NYU, and UCLA. Students may enroll in three credit hours by taking one of the following courses: International Human Rights Law, International Commercial Arbitration, International Business Transactions, and Corporate Governance in a Global Era. These courses will be taught in English by distinguished tenured or tenure-track faculty from Fordham, Columbia, and the University of Washington Law Schools. The program will also offer optional Korean language lessons for those students interested in learning some basic Korean. Students will be able to enroll in three credit hours during the program, and the courses are approved by the ABA for credit toward the J.D. degree.Following the program, students who would like to stay on for internships at Korea's largest multi-national companies, the Korean supreme and constitutional courts, human rights organizations, the Foreign Ministry, as well as some summer associate positions at leading Korean law firms, will have the opportunity to do so under the auspices of the Institute's non-credit internship program. Program students will also tour the Korean National Court, the Supreme Court, the National Prosecutor's Office and the Foreign Ministry, and attend an extensive selection of extra-curricular tours and social events that enable students to experience Korean cultural life. To find out more about this extraordinary program, please visit our website at: or contact the Program Coordinator, Leighanne Yuh, at , 212-636-7571. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!! We look forward to seeing you in Seoul.Leighanne YuhProgram CoordinatorFordham-SKKU Summer Institute in Korea33 West 60th Street, Room 223New York, NY 10023212-636-7571

Finnegan Henderson Diversity Scholarship!

We are proud to announce that the 2007 Finnegan Henderson Diversity Scholarship is open for applications. I've attached both a PDF and Word version of the application for you. The application is also available online at: . The scholarship is available to students enrolled in an ABA accredited law school either as a first-year full-time student or second-year part-time student as of April 15, 2007. We award $12,000 per year to the winner. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2007. Please pass this announcement on to anyone you know who may be interested in the scholarship, as I may have missed some organizations. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to receiving your applications! Best,Tracie Tracie R. GoldthorpeProfessional Recruiting AssistantFinnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, L.L.P.901 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001-4413202.408.4227 202.408.4400 (f) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I'm writing to you guys to see if I couldn't get you to come to Philly for the weekend of January 26-28 to attend the APALSA conference on the 27th. Hopefully the APALSA's at your individual schools have distributed the information, but just in case, I've attached a schedule with speakers and times. Hopefully your schools will be able to provide for transportation and housing, but if they cannot or are reluctant to do so, we should be able to provide housing as long as you guys get down here. See below for full conference schedule!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
AALDEF Internships

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, is the first organization on the East Coast to protect and promote the legal rights of Asian Americans through litigation, legal advocacy and community education. Current program priorities include economic justice for workers, immigrants' rights, voting rights and civic participation, language rights, affirmative action, the elimination of anti-Asian violence and police brutality, youth rights and educational equity, and the assistance of low-income Chinatown residents and workers affected by 9-11.

For more information about AALDEF, visit our website at Included in this email are details regarding the following internships: Spring 2007 Undergraduate InternshipsWinter 06/Spring 07 Voting Rights InternshipsSpring 2007 Legal Internships


The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans through litigation, legal advocacy, and community education. Legal internships are available in the following program areas:

Anti-Trafficking Project, legal research on the Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA), as well as outreach, community education, and advocacy on the rights of women and youth trafficking survivors .

Community Health Care Initiative, legal research, as well as community education and outreach in the areas of immigration, government benefits, language rights, and health care access;

Economic Justice for Workers, litigation on behalf of garment, restaurant, and other low wage workers;

Educational Equity and Youth Rights, legal services, policy work, community education, research and litigation concerning educational equity, juvenile justice, affirmative action and post 9-11 hate violence and racial targeting;

Immigrant Access to Justice, litigation, legal services, and organizing/outreach with communities impacted by 9-11, including special interest detainees, special registration, voluntary interviews by the government, the 9-11 absconder initiative, and local and state enforcement of immigration laws;

New Jersey Asian American Legal Project, community outreach, education, and legal services to Asian Americans in New Jersey, as well as community organizing and litigation on employment-related claims for Asian immigrant workers in New Jersey.

Korean Community Law Project, direct legal services and litigation on employment-related claims for Korean immigrant workers, and community education /advocacy in collaboration with YKASEC - Empowering the Korean American Community;

South Asian Workers Project, direct legal services on employment-related claims to South Asian immigrant workers, as well as community education and advocacy; and

Voting Rights, legal research and fact development under the Voting Rights Act and Equal Protection challenging anti-Asian voter discrimination, advocacy on bilingual ballots, and state and local election reform; produce reports and organize public forums.

Description of Internships.
Interns are supervised by attorneys in specific program areas. Legal interns will work on litigation, particularly legal research and writing, legal and policy advocacy, client intakes, and some community outreach and education. Each program area differs in emphasis. These internships are not paid positions, but academic credit can be arranged. Interns work anywhere between 8 to 25 hours per week. The internship usually commences with the start of classes or late January/early February through late April/early May.

To Apply: Any bilingual ability should be stated in the resume. Bilingual ability is helpful but not required. Applications should also state the number of hours the intern is able to work per week and a possible schedule. Send a resume and cover letter to: Legal Intern Search Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) 99 Hudson Street, 12th floorNew York , New York 10013-2815 Fax: 212-966-4303 or Email: For more information, contact Jennifer Weng at 212-966-5932, ext. 212 or

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