Monday, September 04, 2006

Help Defend Asian American Voting Rights in Boston!!!!

Help Defend Asian American Voting Rights in Boston!!!!
When: Monday and Tuesday Evening, September 18-19, 2006
Where: Placements in and around Boston (Chinatown, Lowell, Dorchester)
Time: Training on Monday Evening, Polling on Tuesday Evening
Who: Only 1 or 2 volunteers are needed for the MA Primary Election on September 19

FYI: There will be a larger full-scale poll monitoring activity in November (like last year) where more people can get involved. For Sept, we only need 1 or 2 other people.

Some questions that may be going through your mind...

What is this?
This is another great volunteering opportunity where you can be directly involved with the community and actively involved in protecting the voting rights of Asian Americans. Since 1992, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) has conducted non-partisan multilingual surveys of Asian American voters to document voting patterns and to assess compliance with the federal Voting Rights Act, which bars anti-Asian voter discrimination.

What would I be doing?
Volunteers conduct exit surveys at various polling sites, which may later become the basis for voting rights litigation. There are different shifts located in and around Boston (Chinatown, Lowell, Dorchester, and Mission Hill).

Who else will be participating?
I, for one, will be at one of the sites which has yet to be determined. There will also be students volunteering from other Boston law schools and colleges. Last year, students from Suffolk, NU, Tufts, and BU (just to name a few) participated. This is a great way to meet people from other schools as well! Last year, BCLS fielded teams at multiple polling sites.

This sounds awesome!! How do I sign up?
All you have to do is fill out the volunteer form and attend a BRIEF (45 mins) training session.

Founded in 1974, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) is the first legal rights organization on the East Coast serving Asian Americans. We were founded by a group of lawyers, law students and community activists who believed that the law should be used as a tool to achieve social and economic justice for Asian Americans and all Americans.

We believe that the laws in this country should be applied equally, regardless of race or ethnicity. We also believe that every American has a right and an obligation to be involved in the communities where she or he lives and works. Our aim is to build an informed and active Asian America that is involved in the civic life of this country.

To learn more about AALDEF, visit their website at:

Still unsure or have questions? Please email me (brian):

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