Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Public Interest Retreat

Boston College Law School
2nd Annual
Public Interest Retreat
September 15-17, 2006
Last spring, BC Law School held its first annual Public Interest Retreat, bringing together an amazing bunch of students committed to developing careers in public interest law for a weekend of reflection, camaraderie, mutual support, and professional sustenance. This year, we’re holding the event in the fall in order to start the year off right. While others suit up for law firm interviews, we’ll take some time to build our own path toward work in the common good.
We hope you’ll join us! This year’s Public Interest Retreat will be held the weekend of September 15-17 (Friday evening to Sunday morning) at BC’s new retreat center in Dover, Massachusetts, a short 20 minute drive from the law school. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with other public interest-minded students and faculty, meet alumni, hear inspiring speakers, and think about the many ways in which the law can be used as a tool for social change. In addition to speakers and discussion sessions, the schedule will also provide ample time for participants to interact informally and reflect on their experiences and career goals.
BC’s Public Interest Retreat is student-initiated and student-led. We are fortunate to receive generous support from the Law School Fund. Thanks to that support, the entire weekend will be free for participants. We have room for up to 30 students to attend.
To attend the Public Interest Retreat, please send a brief statement (1-2 paragraphs) to Gavi Wolfe at about why you want to participate in the retreat, and how and why you see yourself using your legal education to serve the public interest. Applications must be received by Monday, September 4. Retreat participants will be selected by lottery.

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