Below are the announcements for the week of April 27-May 1:
1. SALSA Holi Celebration--April 27**
2. CAPAL Scholarships--deadline May 1
3. Northwest Minority Job Fair--deadline May 15
4. 25th Anniversary of AALAM Celebration--May 21**
5. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs--deadline May 31
6. BLG Boston Job Fair For Students of Color--deadline July 8
7. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair--July 21
8. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair--Aug 8
9. Professor McMorrow Looking For Mandarin Speaking Summer Research Assistant
10. Vietnamese Volunteer Interpreter Needed
11. AALDEF Fall 2009 Internships in Voting Rights**
12. NAPALSA Spring 2009 Newsletter**
Note: The APALSA announcements can also be found on our blog at
**New additions to the announcements
1. SALSA Holi Celebration
Join SALSA as we celebrate Holi, the Hindu festival of colors to welcome spring!
Celebrate the warmer weather and the end of classes with FREE Indian food, traditional throwing of colored powder and water, Bollywood music, and great company!
Monday, April 27 @3:00pm
Barat House/Barat House Lawn
FYI: While throwing colors is entirely optional, we still encourage you to wear clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty!
2. The 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference
Hosted by the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania, the conference will take place on April 24 and 25, 2009. There is a Friday evening welcome event and Saturday will be a day of networking and education with an impressive offering of CLE programs presented by judges and prominent attorneys from the Northeast and beyond. The Saturday programming will be followed by a banquet dinner.
The Four Seasons Philadelphia at One Logan Square is offering a discounted rate of $195 for the nights of April 24 and 25. The deadline for booking this rate is March 12. Please make reservations directly with the Four Seasons at 215.963.1500 and say that you are affiliated with APABA-PA.
Early Bird Registration
CLE programs, Friday and Saturday night events, plus Saturday
breakfast and lunch
Full registration $225
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $175
Law students $110
Early Bird Registration for Conference Only
CLE programs plus Saturday breakfast and lunch only
Full registration $150
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $125
Law students $50
Friday Night Event Only $50
Saturday Dinner Banquet Only $50
For further information, please visit the below link, or contact
Sophia Lee at 215.977.3624 or or Kay Kyungsun Yu at
215.981.4188 or
All the CLE programming is scheduled to take place at Pepper Hamilton
LLP, Two Logan Square, 18th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA.
3. CAPAL Internships and Scholarships
Please see the attached announcement regarding Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) paid
Internships and Scholarships.
Thank you.
4. Northwest Minority Job Fair
On behalf of the Northwest Minority Job Fair board and Seattle Area Legal Recruiting Administrators, I am pleased to invite diverse students from your school to participate in the 23rd annual Northwest Minority Job Fair. This event will be held on Saturday, September 26th, from 8:00 am to 5:20 pm, in K&L Gates' Seattle offices, located at 925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900. Job Fair participants are also encouraged to attend the Fair luncheon held at 11:30 am, featuring a local guest speaker.
The annual Job Fair continues to be a great success. Last year, we had over 40 employer participants and each student who attended interviewed with an average of 4 employers.
Attached is the required student registration form, available for distribution to diverse students and student organizations, who have an interest in the Northwest region. Students who wish to participate in the Job Fair should submit their registration form, directly to me, by May 15, 2009. Forms can be e-mailed or mailed using the address listed below. Additional deadlines and information can be found at the official Job Fair website:
More information regarding 2009 participating employers and instructions for requesting interviews will be distributed to registered students in June.
Students are encouraged to contact me directly at, or, with additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this important effort to increase and promote diversity within the legal profession.
Best regards,
Dana Mills
Host of the 2009-2010 Northwest Minority Job Fair
2009 SALRA Immediate Past President
Dana Mills
Senior Legal Recruiting Coordinator
K&L Gates LLP
925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98104
Direct: 206.370.5744
5. 25th Anniversary of AALAM Celebration
AALAM's 25th Birthday Celebration
Please join us to celebrate 25 wonderful years and to honor the AALAM founders who started it all!
Date and Time:
May 21, 2009
6 to 9 pm
Hong Kong Restaurant
1238 Massachusetts Avenue, Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA 02138
6. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs
Washington, D.C.—The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
announced that the application for the 2009-2010 cycle is available on their Website: This will also include the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Fellow,
which is for a post graduate and requires that the person has included in their class studies any
housing policies, urban planning, mortgages, etc. The deadline for all fellowships is May 31,
The APAICS Fellows are the Anheuser-Busch/Congressman Frank Horton Fellow, the Sodexo
Fellow, the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc./Governor George R. Ariyoshi Fellow, and the National
Association of Realtors Fellow.
The nine-month program provides an opportunity for several fellows to be placed in either the
Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, federal agencies, or a non-profit organization in the
Washington area. All the fellows are assigned specific projects by their placement offices. The
NAR Fellow will especially be involved in the various phases of the housing issues. NAR
advisors and Realtor members will continue to work closely with the fellow and may join with
the other NAR Fellows in developing a public policy brief.
The NAR Fellow will be one of three young professionals who will gain experience in legislative
advocacy and national housing policy. He or she will work closely with NAR and the placement
office. NAR is funding a fellow in each of the Tri-Caucus organizations, including APAICS.
The other two members are the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) and the
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).
APAICS Chair David L. Kim indicated that there is also a State Farm Congressional Fellowship.
This stipend provides an elected official to shadow a member of Congress for one or two weeks
depending on the availability of the member. Kim stated, “This is a hands-on experience to learn
from a member of Congress the legislative process on how our laws are made in this country.”
7. BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
Dear Law School Student of Color:
On April 1, 2009, the Boston Lawyers Group (“BLG”) will commence student registration for the annual BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color. We strongly encourage you to visit our website at for important details regarding eligibility requirements, etc.
If you are an Affinity Group Leader, we kindly request that you distribute this email to your members.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
he InterContinental Hotel
510 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA
To Register: Go to, complete the online form and upload a resume and transcript. Please Note: The deadline to register and upload your resume and transcript has been changed to July 8, 2009.
BLG members are looking forward to participating in this year’s job fair, despite the challenging economy. They are as committed as ever to their diversity agenda and continue to support BLG’s mission to identify and recruit attorneys of color to Boston.
Please contact me at 617-457-3653 or, if you have any questions.
Sonia A. Bryan
Program Director
The Boston Lawyers Group
c/o Sullivan & Worcester
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109
P: 617-457-3653
F: 617-338-2880
8. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair
The National Black Prosecutor's Association cordially invites you to participate in their annual job fair on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at the Marriot Memphis Downtown in Memphis, TN. The goal of the job fair is to promote diversity in prosecutors' offices. The Job Fair will provide a unique forum where law students, recent law graduates and experienced attorneys from across the nation can meet and interview with prospective prosecutorial employers at the local, state and federal levels. The registration fee for current law students is $25.00. After March 31st the fee will be $50.00 and after June 12th it will be $100. To register for the job fair, please complete the attached applicant registration form and submit it along with a resume and a check for the appropriate fee payable to the NBPA 26th Annual Conference or register with a credit card at
9. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair
Attached please find a letter regarding the 2009 Dupont Legal Minority Job Fair to be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009 in one of the three locations - Houston, Los Angeles and Wilmington, DC. Email Aimee at or view previous APALSA emails for attachment.
10. Mandarin Speaking Summer Research Assistant Needed!
Prof McMorrow, who is currently in Beijing on a Fulbright, is looking for a Mandarin-speaking research assistant this summer. Her current projects relate to Chinese legal education and the Chinese legal profession. She's also preparing a proposal for a study abroad program in Beijing similar to the London program. The research assistant should be eligible for work study.
Please email Professor McMorrow directly at for more information.
11. AALDEF Looking for a Vietnamese Volunteer Interpreter
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund's (AALDEF) Anti-Trafficking Initiative is in need of a VIETNAMESE Volunteer Interpreter for telephonic interpretation through mid-June 2009 (and possibly as late as September 2009). The Interpreter should be fluent in both English and Vietnamese and able to consecutively interpret literally. Familiarity with immigration terms is strongly preferred.
Ivy O. Suriyopas
Staff Attorney
212.966.5932 x235
12. Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
for Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law Students
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans through litigation, advocacy, and community education. Fall internships are available for college, graduate, and law students in AALDEF’s Voting Rights Program.
In prior elections, Asian Americans faced a series of barriers in exercising their right to vote; for example, ballots have been mistranslated listing Democratic candidates as Republicans and vice versa, lack of interpreters, denial of language assistance, rude and hostile poll workers. Then, when the news media reported on election returns and the vote by specific groups, Asian Americans were overlooked. AALDEF’s Voting Rights Program aims to enhance the political participation of Asian Americans and guard against anti-Asian voter discrimination.
Voting Rights Interns work on the following:
Election monitoring to ensure Asian Americans are treated fairly at the polls and to document violations of the Voting Right Act and federal Constitution. The Voting Rights Act mandates the availability of Chinese and Korean language assistance and forbids anti-Asian voter discrimination Work with pro bono lawyers at corporate law firms and volunteer law students to inspect poll sites for compliance with the Voting Rights Act and Help American Vote Act. Coordinate a survey of Asian American voters to document the use of bilingual ballots and report on Asian American voting patterns. The survey will be taken at poll sites in several poll sites across the nation. Interns will recruit, train, and supervise volunteers, as well as coordinate logistics at three dozen polling sites. Register new voters after citizenship swearing-in ceremonies. Conduct research and advocacy on local, state and federal election reform proposals.
Description of Fall Internships:
Supervision: Interns are supervised by attorneys through regular meetings and trainings.
Compensation: These internships are not paid positions, but academic credit, college work-study, or a clinical placement can be arranged.
Hours: Interns work anywhere between 12 to 25 hours per week in the office.
Duration: The internship usually follows the semester, commencing with the start of classes or (end of August/ beginning of September) and goes to the first or second week of December.
To Apply:
Bilingual ability is helpful but not required and languages (if any) should be stated in the resume
Applicants should also state the number of hours they are looking to contribute per week and a possible schedule.
Send a resume and cover letter to:
Voting Rights Fall Intern Search
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)
99 Hudson Street, 12th floor
New York, New York 10013-2815
fax: 212-966-4303
For more information, contact Glenn D. Magpantay at 212-966-5932, ext. 206 or
13. NAPALSA Spring 2009 Newsletterr
--Please see attached for National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association (NAPALSA) Spring 2009 Newsletter--
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Below are the announcements for the week of April 21-24
Below are the announcements for the week of April 21-24:
1. Kim's Office Hours—Apr 22
2. APALSA End of the Year Banquet--Apr 23
3. Professor McMorrow Looking For Mandarin Speaking Summer Research Assistant**
4. Vietnamese Volunteer Interpreter Needed**
5. 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference--Apr 24, 25
6. CAPAL Scholarships--deadline May 1 (scholarship)
7. Northwest Minority Job Fair--deadline May 15
8. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs--deadline May 31
9. BLG Boston Job Fair For Students of Color--deadline July 8
10. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair--July 21
11. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair--Aug 8
Note: The APALSA announcements can also be found on our blog at
**New additions to the announcements
1. Kim's Office Hours
Kim, president of APALSA, will be holding office hours on Wednesday, April 22 from 1:00pm-2:00pm in the APALSA office (Stuart F320). Feel free to stop by to discuss your job search, have your resume or cover letter looked at, do a mock interview, or just chat.
2. APALSA End-of-the-Year Banquet
APALSA is having its end of the year Spring Banquet!
This year the banquet will be held at Golden Temple on Thursday, April 23 and will feature Ingrid Chiemi Schroffner '95 as our guest of honor. You should have already received your official invite via email.
This is a popular event that usually fills up, so we encourage you to RSVP as soon as possible! If for some reason you have not received an invitation and are a member of APALSA, please contact Daniel Ji at
3. Mandarin Speaking Summer Research Assistant Needed!
Prof McMorrow, who is currently in Beijing on a Fulbright, is looking for a Mandarin-speaking research assistant this summer. Her current projects relate to Chinese legal education and the Chinese legal profession. She's also preparing a proposal for a study abroad program in Beijing similar to the London program. The research assistant should be eligible for work study.
Please email Professor McMorrow directly at for more information.
4. AALDEF Looking for a Vietnamese Volunteer Interpreter
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund's (AALDEF) Anti-Trafficking Initiative is in need of a VIETNAMESE Volunteer Interpreter for telephonic interpretation through mid-June 2009 (and possibly as late as September 2009). The Interpreter should be fluent in both English and Vietnamese and able to consecutively interpret literally. Familiarity with immigration terms is strongly preferred.
Ivy O. Suriyopas
Staff Attorney
212.966.5932 x235
5. The 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference
Hosted by the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania, the conference will take place on April 24 and 25, 2009. There is a Friday evening welcome event and Saturday will be a day of networking and education with an impressive offering of CLE programs presented by judges and prominent attorneys from the Northeast and beyond. The Saturday programming will be followed by a banquet dinner.
The Four Seasons Philadelphia at One Logan Square is offering a discounted rate of $195 for the nights of April 24 and 25. The deadline for booking this rate is March 12. Please make reservations directly with the Four Seasons at 215.963.1500 and say that you are affiliated with APABA-PA.
Early Bird Registration
CLE programs, Friday and Saturday night events, plus Saturday
breakfast and lunch
Full registration $225
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $175
Law students $110
Early Bird Registration for Conference Only
CLE programs plus Saturday breakfast and lunch only
Full registration $150
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $125
Law students $50
Friday Night Event Only $50
Saturday Dinner Banquet Only $50
For further information, please visit the below link, or contact
Sophia Lee at 215.977.3624 or or Kay Kyungsun Yu at
215.981.4188 or
All the CLE programming is scheduled to take place at Pepper Hamilton
LLP, Two Logan Square, 18th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA.
6. CAPAL Internships and Scholarships
Please see the attached announcement regarding Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) paid
Internships and Scholarships.
Thank you.
7. Northwest Minority Job Fair
On behalf of the Northwest Minority Job Fair board and Seattle Area Legal Recruiting Administrators, I am pleased to invite diverse students from your school to participate in the 23rd annual Northwest Minority Job Fair. This event will be held on Saturday, September 26th, from 8:00 am to 5:20 pm, in K&L Gates' Seattle offices, located at 925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900. Job Fair participants are also encouraged to attend the Fair luncheon held at 11:30 am, featuring a local guest speaker.
The annual Job Fair continues to be a great success. Last year, we had over 40 employer participants and each student who attended interviewed with an average of 4 employers.
Attached is the required student registration form, available for distribution to diverse students and student organizations, who have an interest in the Northwest region. Students who wish to participate in the Job Fair should submit their registration form, directly to me, by May 15, 2009. Forms can be e-mailed or mailed using the address listed below. Additional deadlines and information can be found at the official Job Fair website:
More information regarding 2009 participating employers and instructions for requesting interviews will be distributed to registered students in June.
Students are encouraged to contact me directly at, or, with additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this important effort to increase and promote diversity within the legal profession.
Best regards,
Dana Mills
Host of the 2009-2010 Northwest Minority Job Fair
2009 SALRA Immediate Past President
Dana Mills
Senior Legal Recruiting Coordinator
K&L Gates LLP
925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98104
Direct: 206.370.5744
8. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs
Washington, D.C.—The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
announced that the application for the 2009-2010 cycle is available on their Website: This will also include the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Fellow,
which is for a post graduate and requires that the person has included in their class studies any
housing policies, urban planning, mortgages, etc. The deadline for all fellowships is May 31,
The APAICS Fellows are the Anheuser-Busch/Congressman Frank Horton Fellow, the Sodexo
Fellow, the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc./Governor George R. Ariyoshi Fellow, and the National
Association of Realtors Fellow.
The nine-month program provides an opportunity for several fellows to be placed in either the
Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, federal agencies, or a non-profit organization in the
Washington area. All the fellows are assigned specific projects by their placement offices. The
NAR Fellow will especially be involved in the various phases of the housing issues. NAR
advisors and Realtor members will continue to work closely with the fellow and may join with
the other NAR Fellows in developing a public policy brief.
The NAR Fellow will be one of three young professionals who will gain experience in legislative
advocacy and national housing policy. He or she will work closely with NAR and the placement
office. NAR is funding a fellow in each of the Tri-Caucus organizations, including APAICS.
The other two members are the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) and the
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).
APAICS Chair David L. Kim indicated that there is also a State Farm Congressional Fellowship.
This stipend provides an elected official to shadow a member of Congress for one or two weeks
depending on the availability of the member. Kim stated, “This is a hands-on experience to learn
from a member of Congress the legislative process on how our laws are made in this country.”
9. BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
Dear Law School Student of Color:
On April 1, 2009, the Boston Lawyers Group (“BLG”) will commence student registration for the annual BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color. We strongly encourage you to visit our website at for important details regarding eligibility requirements, etc.
If you are an Affinity Group Leader, we kindly request that you distribute this email to your members.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
he InterContinental Hotel
510 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA
To Register: Go to, complete the online form and upload a resume and transcript. Please Note: The deadline to register and upload your resume and transcript has been changed to July 8, 2009.
BLG members are looking forward to participating in this year’s job fair, despite the challenging economy. They are as committed as ever to their diversity agenda and continue to support BLG’s mission to identify and recruit attorneys of color to Boston.
Please contact me at 617-457-3653 or, if you have any questions.
Sonia A. Bryan
Program Director
The Boston Lawyers Group
c/o Sullivan & Worcester
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109
P: 617-457-3653
F: 617-338-2880
10. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair
The National Black Prosecutor's Association cordially invites you to participate in their annual job fair on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at the Marriot Memphis Downtown in Memphis, TN. The goal of the job fair is to promote diversity in prosecutors' offices. The Job Fair will provide a unique forum where law students, recent law graduates and experienced attorneys from across the nation can meet and interview with prospective prosecutorial employers at the local, state and federal levels. The registration fee for current law students is $25.00. After March 31st the fee will be $50.00 and after June 12th it will be $100. To register for the job fair, please complete the attached applicant registration form and submit it along with a resume and a check for the appropriate fee payable to the NBPA 26th Annual Conference or register with a credit card at
11. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair
Attached please find a letter regarding the 2009 Dupont Legal Minority Job Fair to be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009 in one of the three locations - Houston, Los Angeles and Wilmington, DC.
1. Kim's Office Hours—Apr 22
2. APALSA End of the Year Banquet--Apr 23
3. Professor McMorrow Looking For Mandarin Speaking Summer Research Assistant**
4. Vietnamese Volunteer Interpreter Needed**
5. 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference--Apr 24, 25
6. CAPAL Scholarships--deadline May 1 (scholarship)
7. Northwest Minority Job Fair--deadline May 15
8. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs--deadline May 31
9. BLG Boston Job Fair For Students of Color--deadline July 8
10. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair--July 21
11. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair--Aug 8
Note: The APALSA announcements can also be found on our blog at
**New additions to the announcements
1. Kim's Office Hours
Kim, president of APALSA, will be holding office hours on Wednesday, April 22 from 1:00pm-2:00pm in the APALSA office (Stuart F320). Feel free to stop by to discuss your job search, have your resume or cover letter looked at, do a mock interview, or just chat.
2. APALSA End-of-the-Year Banquet
APALSA is having its end of the year Spring Banquet!
This year the banquet will be held at Golden Temple on Thursday, April 23 and will feature Ingrid Chiemi Schroffner '95 as our guest of honor. You should have already received your official invite via email.
This is a popular event that usually fills up, so we encourage you to RSVP as soon as possible! If for some reason you have not received an invitation and are a member of APALSA, please contact Daniel Ji at
3. Mandarin Speaking Summer Research Assistant Needed!
Prof McMorrow, who is currently in Beijing on a Fulbright, is looking for a Mandarin-speaking research assistant this summer. Her current projects relate to Chinese legal education and the Chinese legal profession. She's also preparing a proposal for a study abroad program in Beijing similar to the London program. The research assistant should be eligible for work study.
Please email Professor McMorrow directly at for more information.
4. AALDEF Looking for a Vietnamese Volunteer Interpreter
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund's (AALDEF) Anti-Trafficking Initiative is in need of a VIETNAMESE Volunteer Interpreter for telephonic interpretation through mid-June 2009 (and possibly as late as September 2009). The Interpreter should be fluent in both English and Vietnamese and able to consecutively interpret literally. Familiarity with immigration terms is strongly preferred.
Ivy O. Suriyopas
Staff Attorney
212.966.5932 x235
5. The 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference
Hosted by the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania, the conference will take place on April 24 and 25, 2009. There is a Friday evening welcome event and Saturday will be a day of networking and education with an impressive offering of CLE programs presented by judges and prominent attorneys from the Northeast and beyond. The Saturday programming will be followed by a banquet dinner.
The Four Seasons Philadelphia at One Logan Square is offering a discounted rate of $195 for the nights of April 24 and 25. The deadline for booking this rate is March 12. Please make reservations directly with the Four Seasons at 215.963.1500 and say that you are affiliated with APABA-PA.
Early Bird Registration
CLE programs, Friday and Saturday night events, plus Saturday
breakfast and lunch
Full registration $225
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $175
Law students $110
Early Bird Registration for Conference Only
CLE programs plus Saturday breakfast and lunch only
Full registration $150
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $125
Law students $50
Friday Night Event Only $50
Saturday Dinner Banquet Only $50
For further information, please visit the below link, or contact
Sophia Lee at 215.977.3624 or or Kay Kyungsun Yu at
215.981.4188 or
All the CLE programming is scheduled to take place at Pepper Hamilton
LLP, Two Logan Square, 18th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA.
6. CAPAL Internships and Scholarships
Please see the attached announcement regarding Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) paid
Internships and Scholarships.
Thank you.
7. Northwest Minority Job Fair
On behalf of the Northwest Minority Job Fair board and Seattle Area Legal Recruiting Administrators, I am pleased to invite diverse students from your school to participate in the 23rd annual Northwest Minority Job Fair. This event will be held on Saturday, September 26th, from 8:00 am to 5:20 pm, in K&L Gates' Seattle offices, located at 925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900. Job Fair participants are also encouraged to attend the Fair luncheon held at 11:30 am, featuring a local guest speaker.
The annual Job Fair continues to be a great success. Last year, we had over 40 employer participants and each student who attended interviewed with an average of 4 employers.
Attached is the required student registration form, available for distribution to diverse students and student organizations, who have an interest in the Northwest region. Students who wish to participate in the Job Fair should submit their registration form, directly to me, by May 15, 2009. Forms can be e-mailed or mailed using the address listed below. Additional deadlines and information can be found at the official Job Fair website:
More information regarding 2009 participating employers and instructions for requesting interviews will be distributed to registered students in June.
Students are encouraged to contact me directly at, or, with additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this important effort to increase and promote diversity within the legal profession.
Best regards,
Dana Mills
Host of the 2009-2010 Northwest Minority Job Fair
2009 SALRA Immediate Past President
Dana Mills
Senior Legal Recruiting Coordinator
K&L Gates LLP
925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98104
Direct: 206.370.5744
8. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs
Washington, D.C.—The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
announced that the application for the 2009-2010 cycle is available on their Website: This will also include the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Fellow,
which is for a post graduate and requires that the person has included in their class studies any
housing policies, urban planning, mortgages, etc. The deadline for all fellowships is May 31,
The APAICS Fellows are the Anheuser-Busch/Congressman Frank Horton Fellow, the Sodexo
Fellow, the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc./Governor George R. Ariyoshi Fellow, and the National
Association of Realtors Fellow.
The nine-month program provides an opportunity for several fellows to be placed in either the
Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, federal agencies, or a non-profit organization in the
Washington area. All the fellows are assigned specific projects by their placement offices. The
NAR Fellow will especially be involved in the various phases of the housing issues. NAR
advisors and Realtor members will continue to work closely with the fellow and may join with
the other NAR Fellows in developing a public policy brief.
The NAR Fellow will be one of three young professionals who will gain experience in legislative
advocacy and national housing policy. He or she will work closely with NAR and the placement
office. NAR is funding a fellow in each of the Tri-Caucus organizations, including APAICS.
The other two members are the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) and the
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).
APAICS Chair David L. Kim indicated that there is also a State Farm Congressional Fellowship.
This stipend provides an elected official to shadow a member of Congress for one or two weeks
depending on the availability of the member. Kim stated, “This is a hands-on experience to learn
from a member of Congress the legislative process on how our laws are made in this country.”
9. BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
Dear Law School Student of Color:
On April 1, 2009, the Boston Lawyers Group (“BLG”) will commence student registration for the annual BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color. We strongly encourage you to visit our website at for important details regarding eligibility requirements, etc.
If you are an Affinity Group Leader, we kindly request that you distribute this email to your members.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
he InterContinental Hotel
510 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA
To Register: Go to, complete the online form and upload a resume and transcript. Please Note: The deadline to register and upload your resume and transcript has been changed to July 8, 2009.
BLG members are looking forward to participating in this year’s job fair, despite the challenging economy. They are as committed as ever to their diversity agenda and continue to support BLG’s mission to identify and recruit attorneys of color to Boston.
Please contact me at 617-457-3653 or, if you have any questions.
Sonia A. Bryan
Program Director
The Boston Lawyers Group
c/o Sullivan & Worcester
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109
P: 617-457-3653
F: 617-338-2880
10. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair
The National Black Prosecutor's Association cordially invites you to participate in their annual job fair on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at the Marriot Memphis Downtown in Memphis, TN. The goal of the job fair is to promote diversity in prosecutors' offices. The Job Fair will provide a unique forum where law students, recent law graduates and experienced attorneys from across the nation can meet and interview with prospective prosecutorial employers at the local, state and federal levels. The registration fee for current law students is $25.00. After March 31st the fee will be $50.00 and after June 12th it will be $100. To register for the job fair, please complete the attached applicant registration form and submit it along with a resume and a check for the appropriate fee payable to the NBPA 26th Annual Conference or register with a credit card at
11. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair
Attached please find a letter regarding the 2009 Dupont Legal Minority Job Fair to be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009 in one of the three locations - Houston, Los Angeles and Wilmington, DC.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Below are the announcements for the week of April 6-10
Below are the announcements for the week of April 6-10:
1. APALSA E-board Candidate Statements Due--Tomorrow, Apr 6**
2. Kim's Office Hours—Apr 8
3. APALSA Elections! + Law Journals Q&A Session--Apr 9**
4. Inaugural BC/BU APALSA Reunion Night--Apr 9
5. Inter-APALSA Karaoke Night--Apr 10
6. Boston College MBA International Consulting Project Asia--deadline Apr 6
7. AALDEF Summer Legal Internship 2009--deadline Apr 13**
8. Cooley Godward Kronish Diversity Fellowship--deadline Apr 15
9. 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference--Apr 24, 25
10. Northwest Minority Job Fair--deadline May 15
11. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs--deadline May 31
12. BLG Boston Job Fair For Students of Color--deadline July 8**
13. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair--July 21
14. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair--Aug 8
Note: The APALSA announcements can also be found on our blog at
**New additions to the announcements
1. APALSA E-board Candidate Statements Due
It's that super thrilling time of year ... Elections 2009!!! Woo hoo!
I highly encourage everyone to consider running for one (or more!) of the 5 elected positions: President, Vice President External, Vice President Internal, Secretary and Treasurer. Being on APALSA e-board gives you a ton of opportunity to shape and add to APALSA's events and programs. For example, APALSA e-board was key in the Students of Color Retreat planning last year. As one of the largest student organizations on campus, APALSA needs your dedication and ideas to keep us active and strong!
I have posted descriptions of the positions below along with names of the person currently holding that position ... feel free to contact any of us with questions about the responsibilities. *You MAY run for more than one position*
Here's the schedule:
- STATEMENTS OF INTENT (not to exceed 250 words per position you're running for) are due Monday, April 6th at 5pm. E-mail me, Christine Bang at along with the position(s) you will be running for.
* in your statement, you should write about why you make a great candidate and what ideas you have for the position or APALSA as a whole for next year.
* these will be posted to the listserv on Tuesday morning for review.
- ELECTIONS will be Thursday, April 9th at 12:45pm in Stuart 315. Each candidate will make a short speech and will answer questions from the present members.
The President. The President of APALSA shall have general supervisory power over the activities and business of APALSA. The President shall chair the meetings of the Executive Board and the meetings of the General Membership. The President shall have the powers and responsibilities to represent APALSA when and where the need arises and in doing so shall promote the goals, needs, and interests of the members of APALSA.
Current: Kimberly Chin, kimberly.chin.2[at]
The Vice President - External ("VP External"). The VP External shall have the powers and responsibilities of ensuring the smooth and efficient external operation of APALSA. The VP External shall have the responsibility and powers to invite speakers of interest to the Boston College Law School, and assist members in their career opportunity search using the resources provided to APALSA by employers. The VP External shall have the powers and responsibilities of the President in the President's absence.
Current: Eugene Cho, eugene.cho.1[at]
The Vice President - Internal ("VP Internal"). The VP Internal shall have the powers and responsibilities of ensuring the smooth and efficient internal operation of APALSA. The VP Internal shall have responsibility and powers to provide academic support programs for APALSA which include, but are not limited to, APALSA's mentor/mentee program. The VP Internal shall have the powers and responsibilities of the President in the President's and VP External's absence.
Current: Christine Bang, bangc[at]
The Secretary. The Secretary of APALSA shall be responsible for the communication of information within APALSA. The Secretary shall have the powers and responsibilities of assuring that all APALSA members are aware of all the business and activities of APALSA. The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance and distribution of minutes for all meetings of the Executive Board and of the General Membership. The Secretary shall, whenever appropriate or whenever requested by the Executive Board, produce a newsletter detailing the business and activities of APALSA and distribute that newsletter to the General Membership and all others specified by the Executive Board.
Current: Aimee Hartono, hartonoa[at]
The Treasurer. The Treasurer of APALSA shall have custody and control of the financial assets of APALSA and shall see that they are deposited in a financial institution approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall assure that entries are regularly made in the financial records and keep full and accurate account of all monies received and disbursed by APALSA. The Treasurer shall make regular financial reports to the Executive Board and the General Membership.
Current: Helen Rhee, rheehy[at]
2. Kim's Office Hours
Kim, president of APALSA, will be holding office hours on Wednesday, April 8 from 1:00pm-2:00pm in the APALSA office (Stuart F320). Feel free to stop by to discuss your job search, have your resume or cover letter looked at, do a mock interview, or just chat.
3. APALSA Elections! + Law Journals Q&A Session
Elections for next year's APALSA executive board will be taking place this Thursday. This is your time to ask candidates questions and see what their vision is for next year's apalsa. For more information on running for a position see announcement #1. John Gordon, Law Review Publications Manager, will also be stopping by our meeting to discuss the writing competition and to answer any questions you may have.
WHEN: Thursday, April 9 @ 12:45pm
WHERE: Stuart 315
4. Inaugural BC/BU APALSA Reunion Night
Boston College's Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) invites you to our
Inaugural BC/BU APALSA
Reunion Night 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
8:00 - 10:30 pm
The Kells of Boston (Private Party Room)
161 Brighton Ave.
Allston, MA 02134
Entrance fee: $10
All money will be collected at the door
Dress code: Casual
Please RSVP to
In an effort to introduce law students to the greater Boston Asian American legal community and to strengthen the network of alumni in the area, BC and BU have teamed up to host this special event. There will be a raffle, private cash bar, and free appetizers throughout the evening. A trivia contest will also begin at 9pm.
All proceeds will support BC APALSA-sponsored events. Your presence will support our effort to create an annual tradition of connecting past and present APALSA members.
We hope to see you there!
5. Inter-APALSA Karaoke Night!
Join APALSA members from Harvard, Northeastern, Suffolk and BU and sing, sing, sing!
WHEN: Friday Night, April 10 (we have no class that day!); exact time TBA
WHERE: Location TBA
COST: $10-ish + drinks (pay your own way)
We're still making arrangements, so please RSVP to let us know you're interested.
To RSVP, either join the event "Inter-APALSA Karaoke Night" on facebook
email Eugene at
6. Boston College MBA International Consulting Project Asia
Below is an email I received from Greg Stoller, the course instructor for the MBA course International Consulting Project Asia. If anyone has any questions about the course feel free to email me (Aimee) at I took the class this past Fall and had an amazing time. It's an excellent opportunity for those of you who would like a little break from the law and explore what else BC has to offer. And who wouldn't want to go to China for school credit?
The following is an email from Professor Greg Stoller who teaches a business school class that law students can take this fall. The class culminates in an amazing trip to Beijing, China. For more details, please read the attached document. If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to contact Aimee Hartono at, or Ben Uy at, as both students have recently completed the course. Any students interested in working on international business deals, international consulting, or simply taking a break from law school classes (by taking a business school class) are encouraged to apply!
Have you ever dreamed of climbing the Great Wall of China? How about working overseas?
We are in the process of planning the 2009 International Consulting Project, a 3-credit course that involves consulting work during the fall semester on campus, with a trip to Beijing in January 2010 to deliver the team's recommendation personally to the client, at their offices. This is the 7th year in a row that this program has been offered.
Attached please find a course description and syllabus. A student blog of last year's trip is available at:
We are looking for outstanding law students to be part of this class working in three separate teams. If interested, please submit a resume and cover letter to by no later than April 6, 2009. Language fluency is *not* a prerequisite for this course.
We are starting the planning process now, as we hope to choose the projects, in part, based around the students' academic and professional backgrounds.
Of course, if you have any questions beforehand, please let me know via email or telephone (617-233-5666). I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully having you on the team.
Greg Stoller
7. AALDEF Summer Legal Internship 2009
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, is the first organization on the East Coast to protect and promote the legal rights of Asian Americans through litigation, legal advocacy, and community education. For more information about AALDEF, please visit our website at
Internships for the summer of 2009 are available in the following program areas only:
Community Health Care Initiative, legal research, as well as community education and outreach in the areas of immigration, government benefits, language rights, and health care access; and
Voting Rights, legal research and fact development under the Voting Rights Act and Equal Protection Clause challenging anti-Asian voter discrimination, advocacy on bilingual ballots, and state and local election reform; produce reports and organize public forums.
Description of Summer Internship Program:
The summer program is ten weeks, from approximately June 1st through August 7th. Interns work full-time and are supervised by attorneys in specific program areas. Interns will work on litigation, particularly legal research and writing, legal and policy advocacy, community outreach and education, and client intakes. Each program area differs in emphasis. Summer interns attend weekly brown bag lectures on a range of public interest legal topics along with interns from other legal defense funds and civil rights groups. AALDEF also provides trainings in housing law, naturalization procedures, and immigration law. The position is unpaid. However, in previous years many AALDEF interns have been successful at securing independent funding. Academic credit can be arranged.
To Apply:
• Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and writing sample to be received by AALDEF on or before Monday, April 13, 2009 at the address below. Please indicate why you are interested in focusing on the Community Health Care Initiative and/or the Voting Rights project in your cover letter. For email applications, please write “Summer Internship Application” or “SIP Application” in the Subject. Only law students qualify for AALDEF’s legal internships. Fax or email applications are acceptable, but email applications are strongly preferred.
• Any bilingual ability should be stated in the application. Bilingual ability is helpful but not required. Gujarati, Hindi, Khmer, Korean, and Urdu-speaking applicants are especially urged to apply.
Summer Internship Search (Legal)
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
99 Hudson Street, 12th floor
New York , New York 10013-2815
Fax: 212-966-4303
8. Gooley Godward Kronish Diversity Fellowship
My name is Mary Ellen Quilty and I am the Recruiting Manager at Cooley Godward Kronish here in Boston. I wanted to reach out to members of APALSA at BC to let you know about a current opportunity our firm has. I thought that contacting you would be a good place to start, but if there is someone else I should contact please let me know.
We are so excited to offer Diversity Fellowships to outstanding first-year law students with a diverse background. Those who are interested are encouraged to apply for one of 8 fellowships consisting of awards up to $15,000 to assist with law school tuition and an invitation to join Cooley’s Summer Associate Program. Awards will be announced to the students in the summer following their first year of law school with the Summer Associate position to start following the successful completion of the recipient’s 2L year. Please note, this is not just for those interested in our Boston office. Students interested in any of Cooley's office locations should apply. (We have offices in Palo Alto, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Broomfield (CO), New York, Reston (VA), Washington DC and Boston.)
I have attached a pdf which summarizes the fellowship and also included the link that should direct you to the webpage students should go to if they wish to submit an application. I was wondering if perhaps you could assist me in circulating this to the current 1L's who are members of APALSA? If you have their email addresses, I am happy to contact them myself, or if you have another suggestion on spreading the word, I would love to get your input! Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions about this. I appreciate your help with this, and we look forward to receiving some great candidate applications in the near future!
Mary Ellen
9. The 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference
Hosted by the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania, the conference will take place on April 24 and 25, 2009. There is a Friday evening welcome event and Saturday will be a day of networking and education with an impressive offering of CLE programs presented by judges and prominent attorneys from the Northeast and beyond. The Saturday programming will be followed by a banquet dinner.
The Four Seasons Philadelphia at One Logan Square is offering a discounted rate of $195 for the nights of April 24 and 25. The deadline for booking this rate is March 12. Please make reservations directly with the Four Seasons at 215.963.1500 and say that you are affiliated with APABA-PA.
Early Bird Registration
CLE programs, Friday and Saturday night events, plus Saturday
breakfast and lunch
Full registration $225
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $175
Law students $110
Early Bird Registration for Conference Only
CLE programs plus Saturday breakfast and lunch only
Full registration $150
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $125
Law students $50
Friday Night Event Only $50
Saturday Dinner Banquet Only $50
For further information, please visit the below link, or contact
Sophia Lee at 215.977.3624 or or Kay Kyungsun Yu at
215.981.4188 or
All the CLE programming is scheduled to take place at Pepper Hamilton
LLP, Two Logan Square, 18th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA.
10. Northwest Minority Job Fair
On behalf of the Northwest Minority Job Fair board and Seattle Area Legal Recruiting Administrators, I am pleased to invite diverse students from your school to participate in the 23rd annual Northwest Minority Job Fair. This event will be held on Saturday, September 26th, from 8:00 am to 5:20 pm, in K&L Gates' Seattle offices, located at 925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900. Job Fair participants are also encouraged to attend the Fair luncheon held at 11:30 am, featuring a local guest speaker.
The annual Job Fair continues to be a great success. Last year, we had over 40 employer participants and each student who attended interviewed with an average of 4 employers.
Attached is the required student registration form, available for distribution to diverse students and student organizations, who have an interest in the Northwest region. Students who wish to participate in the Job Fair should submit their registration form, directly to me, by May 15, 2009. Forms can be e-mailed or mailed using the address listed below. Additional deadlines and information can be found at the official Job Fair website:
More information regarding 2009 participating employers and instructions for requesting interviews will be distributed to registered students in June.
Students are encouraged to contact me directly at, or, with additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this important effort to increase and promote diversity within the legal profession.
Best regards,
Dana Mills
Host of the 2009-2010 Northwest Minority Job Fair
2009 SALRA Immediate Past President
Dana Mills
Senior Legal Recruiting Coordinator
K&L Gates LLP
925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98104
Direct: 206.370.5744
11. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs
Washington, D.C.—The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
announced that the application for the 2009-2010 cycle is available on their Website: This will also include the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Fellow,
which is for a post graduate and requires that the person has included in their class studies any
housing policies, urban planning, mortgages, etc. The deadline for all fellowships is May 31,
The APAICS Fellows are the Anheuser-Busch/Congressman Frank Horton Fellow, the Sodexo
Fellow, the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc./Governor George R. Ariyoshi Fellow, and the National
Association of Realtors Fellow.
The nine-month program provides an opportunity for several fellows to be placed in either the
Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, federal agencies, or a non-profit organization in the
Washington area. All the fellows are assigned specific projects by their placement offices. The
NAR Fellow will especially be involved in the various phases of the housing issues. NAR
advisors and Realtor members will continue to work closely with the fellow and may join with
the other NAR Fellows in developing a public policy brief.
The NAR Fellow will be one of three young professionals who will gain experience in legislative
advocacy and national housing policy. He or she will work closely with NAR and the placement
office. NAR is funding a fellow in each of the Tri-Caucus organizations, including APAICS.
The other two members are the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) and the
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).
APAICS Chair David L. Kim indicated that there is also a State Farm Congressional Fellowship.
This stipend provides an elected official to shadow a member of Congress for one or two weeks
depending on the availability of the member. Kim stated, “This is a hands-on experience to learn
from a member of Congress the legislative process on how our laws are made in this country.”
12. BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
Dear Law School Student of Color:
On April 1, 2009, the Boston Lawyers Group (“BLG”) will commence student registration for the annual BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color. We strongly encourage you to visit our website at for important details regarding eligibility requirements, etc.
If you are an Affinity Group Leader, we kindly request that you distribute this email to your members.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
he InterContinental Hotel
510 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA
To Register: Go to, complete the online form and upload a resume and transcript. Please Note: The deadline to register and upload your resume and transcript has been changed to July 8, 2009.
BLG members are looking forward to participating in this year’s job fair, despite the challenging economy. They are as committed as ever to their diversity agenda and continue to support BLG’s mission to identify and recruit attorneys of color to Boston.
Please contact me at 617-457-3653 or, if you have any questions.
Sonia A. Bryan
Program Director
The Boston Lawyers Group
c/o Sullivan & Worcester
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109
P: 617-457-3653
F: 617-338-2880
13. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair
The National Black Prosecutor's Association cordially invites you to participate in their annual job fair on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at the Marriot Memphis Downtown in Memphis, TN. The goal of the job fair is to promote diversity in prosecutors' offices. The Job Fair will provide a unique forum where law students, recent law graduates and experienced attorneys from across the nation can meet and interview with prospective prosecutorial employers at the local, state and federal levels. The registration fee for current law students is $25.00. After March 31st the fee will be $50.00 and after June 12th it will be $100. To register for the job fair, please complete the attached applicant registration form and submit it along with a resume and a check for the appropriate fee payable to the NBPA 26th Annual Conference or register with a credit card at
14. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair
Attached please find a letter regarding the 2009 Dupont Legal Minority Job Fair to be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009 in one of the three locations - Houston, Los Angeles and Wilmington, DC.
1. APALSA E-board Candidate Statements Due--Tomorrow, Apr 6**
2. Kim's Office Hours—Apr 8
3. APALSA Elections! + Law Journals Q&A Session--Apr 9**
4. Inaugural BC/BU APALSA Reunion Night--Apr 9
5. Inter-APALSA Karaoke Night--Apr 10
6. Boston College MBA International Consulting Project Asia--deadline Apr 6
7. AALDEF Summer Legal Internship 2009--deadline Apr 13**
8. Cooley Godward Kronish Diversity Fellowship--deadline Apr 15
9. 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference--Apr 24, 25
10. Northwest Minority Job Fair--deadline May 15
11. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs--deadline May 31
12. BLG Boston Job Fair For Students of Color--deadline July 8**
13. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair--July 21
14. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair--Aug 8
Note: The APALSA announcements can also be found on our blog at
**New additions to the announcements
1. APALSA E-board Candidate Statements Due
It's that super thrilling time of year ... Elections 2009!!! Woo hoo!
I highly encourage everyone to consider running for one (or more!) of the 5 elected positions: President, Vice President External, Vice President Internal, Secretary and Treasurer. Being on APALSA e-board gives you a ton of opportunity to shape and add to APALSA's events and programs. For example, APALSA e-board was key in the Students of Color Retreat planning last year. As one of the largest student organizations on campus, APALSA needs your dedication and ideas to keep us active and strong!
I have posted descriptions of the positions below along with names of the person currently holding that position ... feel free to contact any of us with questions about the responsibilities. *You MAY run for more than one position*
Here's the schedule:
- STATEMENTS OF INTENT (not to exceed 250 words per position you're running for) are due Monday, April 6th at 5pm. E-mail me, Christine Bang at along with the position(s) you will be running for.
* in your statement, you should write about why you make a great candidate and what ideas you have for the position or APALSA as a whole for next year.
* these will be posted to the listserv on Tuesday morning for review.
- ELECTIONS will be Thursday, April 9th at 12:45pm in Stuart 315. Each candidate will make a short speech and will answer questions from the present members.
The President. The President of APALSA shall have general supervisory power over the activities and business of APALSA. The President shall chair the meetings of the Executive Board and the meetings of the General Membership. The President shall have the powers and responsibilities to represent APALSA when and where the need arises and in doing so shall promote the goals, needs, and interests of the members of APALSA.
Current: Kimberly Chin, kimberly.chin.2[at]
The Vice President - External ("VP External"). The VP External shall have the powers and responsibilities of ensuring the smooth and efficient external operation of APALSA. The VP External shall have the responsibility and powers to invite speakers of interest to the Boston College Law School, and assist members in their career opportunity search using the resources provided to APALSA by employers. The VP External shall have the powers and responsibilities of the President in the President's absence.
Current: Eugene Cho, eugene.cho.1[at]
The Vice President - Internal ("VP Internal"). The VP Internal shall have the powers and responsibilities of ensuring the smooth and efficient internal operation of APALSA. The VP Internal shall have responsibility and powers to provide academic support programs for APALSA which include, but are not limited to, APALSA's mentor/mentee program. The VP Internal shall have the powers and responsibilities of the President in the President's and VP External's absence.
Current: Christine Bang, bangc[at]
The Secretary. The Secretary of APALSA shall be responsible for the communication of information within APALSA. The Secretary shall have the powers and responsibilities of assuring that all APALSA members are aware of all the business and activities of APALSA. The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance and distribution of minutes for all meetings of the Executive Board and of the General Membership. The Secretary shall, whenever appropriate or whenever requested by the Executive Board, produce a newsletter detailing the business and activities of APALSA and distribute that newsletter to the General Membership and all others specified by the Executive Board.
Current: Aimee Hartono, hartonoa[at]
The Treasurer. The Treasurer of APALSA shall have custody and control of the financial assets of APALSA and shall see that they are deposited in a financial institution approved by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall assure that entries are regularly made in the financial records and keep full and accurate account of all monies received and disbursed by APALSA. The Treasurer shall make regular financial reports to the Executive Board and the General Membership.
Current: Helen Rhee, rheehy[at]
2. Kim's Office Hours
Kim, president of APALSA, will be holding office hours on Wednesday, April 8 from 1:00pm-2:00pm in the APALSA office (Stuart F320). Feel free to stop by to discuss your job search, have your resume or cover letter looked at, do a mock interview, or just chat.
3. APALSA Elections! + Law Journals Q&A Session
Elections for next year's APALSA executive board will be taking place this Thursday. This is your time to ask candidates questions and see what their vision is for next year's apalsa. For more information on running for a position see announcement #1. John Gordon, Law Review Publications Manager, will also be stopping by our meeting to discuss the writing competition and to answer any questions you may have.
WHEN: Thursday, April 9 @ 12:45pm
WHERE: Stuart 315
4. Inaugural BC/BU APALSA Reunion Night
Boston College's Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) invites you to our
Inaugural BC/BU APALSA
Reunion Night 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
8:00 - 10:30 pm
The Kells of Boston (Private Party Room)
161 Brighton Ave.
Allston, MA 02134
Entrance fee: $10
All money will be collected at the door
Dress code: Casual
Please RSVP to
In an effort to introduce law students to the greater Boston Asian American legal community and to strengthen the network of alumni in the area, BC and BU have teamed up to host this special event. There will be a raffle, private cash bar, and free appetizers throughout the evening. A trivia contest will also begin at 9pm.
All proceeds will support BC APALSA-sponsored events. Your presence will support our effort to create an annual tradition of connecting past and present APALSA members.
We hope to see you there!
5. Inter-APALSA Karaoke Night!
Join APALSA members from Harvard, Northeastern, Suffolk and BU and sing, sing, sing!
WHEN: Friday Night, April 10 (we have no class that day!); exact time TBA
WHERE: Location TBA
COST: $10-ish + drinks (pay your own way)
We're still making arrangements, so please RSVP to let us know you're interested.
To RSVP, either join the event "Inter-APALSA Karaoke Night" on facebook
email Eugene at
6. Boston College MBA International Consulting Project Asia
Below is an email I received from Greg Stoller, the course instructor for the MBA course International Consulting Project Asia. If anyone has any questions about the course feel free to email me (Aimee) at I took the class this past Fall and had an amazing time. It's an excellent opportunity for those of you who would like a little break from the law and explore what else BC has to offer. And who wouldn't want to go to China for school credit?
The following is an email from Professor Greg Stoller who teaches a business school class that law students can take this fall. The class culminates in an amazing trip to Beijing, China. For more details, please read the attached document. If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to contact Aimee Hartono at, or Ben Uy at, as both students have recently completed the course. Any students interested in working on international business deals, international consulting, or simply taking a break from law school classes (by taking a business school class) are encouraged to apply!
Have you ever dreamed of climbing the Great Wall of China? How about working overseas?
We are in the process of planning the 2009 International Consulting Project, a 3-credit course that involves consulting work during the fall semester on campus, with a trip to Beijing in January 2010 to deliver the team's recommendation personally to the client, at their offices. This is the 7th year in a row that this program has been offered.
Attached please find a course description and syllabus. A student blog of last year's trip is available at:
We are looking for outstanding law students to be part of this class working in three separate teams. If interested, please submit a resume and cover letter to by no later than April 6, 2009. Language fluency is *not* a prerequisite for this course.
We are starting the planning process now, as we hope to choose the projects, in part, based around the students' academic and professional backgrounds.
Of course, if you have any questions beforehand, please let me know via email or telephone (617-233-5666). I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully having you on the team.
Greg Stoller
7. AALDEF Summer Legal Internship 2009
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, is the first organization on the East Coast to protect and promote the legal rights of Asian Americans through litigation, legal advocacy, and community education. For more information about AALDEF, please visit our website at
Internships for the summer of 2009 are available in the following program areas only:
Community Health Care Initiative, legal research, as well as community education and outreach in the areas of immigration, government benefits, language rights, and health care access; and
Voting Rights, legal research and fact development under the Voting Rights Act and Equal Protection Clause challenging anti-Asian voter discrimination, advocacy on bilingual ballots, and state and local election reform; produce reports and organize public forums.
Description of Summer Internship Program:
The summer program is ten weeks, from approximately June 1st through August 7th. Interns work full-time and are supervised by attorneys in specific program areas. Interns will work on litigation, particularly legal research and writing, legal and policy advocacy, community outreach and education, and client intakes. Each program area differs in emphasis. Summer interns attend weekly brown bag lectures on a range of public interest legal topics along with interns from other legal defense funds and civil rights groups. AALDEF also provides trainings in housing law, naturalization procedures, and immigration law. The position is unpaid. However, in previous years many AALDEF interns have been successful at securing independent funding. Academic credit can be arranged.
To Apply:
• Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and writing sample to be received by AALDEF on or before Monday, April 13, 2009 at the address below. Please indicate why you are interested in focusing on the Community Health Care Initiative and/or the Voting Rights project in your cover letter. For email applications, please write “Summer Internship Application” or “SIP Application” in the Subject. Only law students qualify for AALDEF’s legal internships. Fax or email applications are acceptable, but email applications are strongly preferred.
• Any bilingual ability should be stated in the application. Bilingual ability is helpful but not required. Gujarati, Hindi, Khmer, Korean, and Urdu-speaking applicants are especially urged to apply.
Summer Internship Search (Legal)
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
99 Hudson Street, 12th floor
New York , New York 10013-2815
Fax: 212-966-4303
8. Gooley Godward Kronish Diversity Fellowship
My name is Mary Ellen Quilty and I am the Recruiting Manager at Cooley Godward Kronish here in Boston. I wanted to reach out to members of APALSA at BC to let you know about a current opportunity our firm has. I thought that contacting you would be a good place to start, but if there is someone else I should contact please let me know.
We are so excited to offer Diversity Fellowships to outstanding first-year law students with a diverse background. Those who are interested are encouraged to apply for one of 8 fellowships consisting of awards up to $15,000 to assist with law school tuition and an invitation to join Cooley’s Summer Associate Program. Awards will be announced to the students in the summer following their first year of law school with the Summer Associate position to start following the successful completion of the recipient’s 2L year. Please note, this is not just for those interested in our Boston office. Students interested in any of Cooley's office locations should apply. (We have offices in Palo Alto, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Broomfield (CO), New York, Reston (VA), Washington DC and Boston.)
I have attached a pdf which summarizes the fellowship and also included the link that should direct you to the webpage students should go to if they wish to submit an application. I was wondering if perhaps you could assist me in circulating this to the current 1L's who are members of APALSA? If you have their email addresses, I am happy to contact them myself, or if you have another suggestion on spreading the word, I would love to get your input! Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions about this. I appreciate your help with this, and we look forward to receiving some great candidate applications in the near future!
Mary Ellen
9. The 2009 NAPABA Northeast Regional Conference
Hosted by the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania, the conference will take place on April 24 and 25, 2009. There is a Friday evening welcome event and Saturday will be a day of networking and education with an impressive offering of CLE programs presented by judges and prominent attorneys from the Northeast and beyond. The Saturday programming will be followed by a banquet dinner.
The Four Seasons Philadelphia at One Logan Square is offering a discounted rate of $195 for the nights of April 24 and 25. The deadline for booking this rate is March 12. Please make reservations directly with the Four Seasons at 215.963.1500 and say that you are affiliated with APABA-PA.
Early Bird Registration
CLE programs, Friday and Saturday night events, plus Saturday
breakfast and lunch
Full registration $225
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $175
Law students $110
Early Bird Registration for Conference Only
CLE programs plus Saturday breakfast and lunch only
Full registration $150
Judges and government, public interest, solo and small firm attorneys $125
Law students $50
Friday Night Event Only $50
Saturday Dinner Banquet Only $50
For further information, please visit the below link, or contact
Sophia Lee at 215.977.3624 or or Kay Kyungsun Yu at
215.981.4188 or
All the CLE programming is scheduled to take place at Pepper Hamilton
LLP, Two Logan Square, 18th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA.
10. Northwest Minority Job Fair
On behalf of the Northwest Minority Job Fair board and Seattle Area Legal Recruiting Administrators, I am pleased to invite diverse students from your school to participate in the 23rd annual Northwest Minority Job Fair. This event will be held on Saturday, September 26th, from 8:00 am to 5:20 pm, in K&L Gates' Seattle offices, located at 925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900. Job Fair participants are also encouraged to attend the Fair luncheon held at 11:30 am, featuring a local guest speaker.
The annual Job Fair continues to be a great success. Last year, we had over 40 employer participants and each student who attended interviewed with an average of 4 employers.
Attached is the required student registration form, available for distribution to diverse students and student organizations, who have an interest in the Northwest region. Students who wish to participate in the Job Fair should submit their registration form, directly to me, by May 15, 2009. Forms can be e-mailed or mailed using the address listed below. Additional deadlines and information can be found at the official Job Fair website:
More information regarding 2009 participating employers and instructions for requesting interviews will be distributed to registered students in June.
Students are encouraged to contact me directly at, or, with additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this important effort to increase and promote diversity within the legal profession.
Best regards,
Dana Mills
Host of the 2009-2010 Northwest Minority Job Fair
2009 SALRA Immediate Past President
Dana Mills
Senior Legal Recruiting Coordinator
K&L Gates LLP
925 4th Avenue, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98104
Direct: 206.370.5744
11. APAICS 2009-2010 Fellowship Programs
Washington, D.C.—The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
announced that the application for the 2009-2010 cycle is available on their Website: This will also include the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Fellow,
which is for a post graduate and requires that the person has included in their class studies any
housing policies, urban planning, mortgages, etc. The deadline for all fellowships is May 31,
The APAICS Fellows are the Anheuser-Busch/Congressman Frank Horton Fellow, the Sodexo
Fellow, the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc./Governor George R. Ariyoshi Fellow, and the National
Association of Realtors Fellow.
The nine-month program provides an opportunity for several fellows to be placed in either the
Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, federal agencies, or a non-profit organization in the
Washington area. All the fellows are assigned specific projects by their placement offices. The
NAR Fellow will especially be involved in the various phases of the housing issues. NAR
advisors and Realtor members will continue to work closely with the fellow and may join with
the other NAR Fellows in developing a public policy brief.
The NAR Fellow will be one of three young professionals who will gain experience in legislative
advocacy and national housing policy. He or she will work closely with NAR and the placement
office. NAR is funding a fellow in each of the Tri-Caucus organizations, including APAICS.
The other two members are the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) and the
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).
APAICS Chair David L. Kim indicated that there is also a State Farm Congressional Fellowship.
This stipend provides an elected official to shadow a member of Congress for one or two weeks
depending on the availability of the member. Kim stated, “This is a hands-on experience to learn
from a member of Congress the legislative process on how our laws are made in this country.”
12. BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
Dear Law School Student of Color:
On April 1, 2009, the Boston Lawyers Group (“BLG”) will commence student registration for the annual BLG Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color. We strongly encourage you to visit our website at for important details regarding eligibility requirements, etc.
If you are an Affinity Group Leader, we kindly request that you distribute this email to your members.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Boston Job Fair for Law Students of Color
he InterContinental Hotel
510 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA
To Register: Go to, complete the online form and upload a resume and transcript. Please Note: The deadline to register and upload your resume and transcript has been changed to July 8, 2009.
BLG members are looking forward to participating in this year’s job fair, despite the challenging economy. They are as committed as ever to their diversity agenda and continue to support BLG’s mission to identify and recruit attorneys of color to Boston.
Please contact me at 617-457-3653 or, if you have any questions.
Sonia A. Bryan
Program Director
The Boston Lawyers Group
c/o Sullivan & Worcester
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 02109
P: 617-457-3653
F: 617-338-2880
13. National Black Prosecutor's Association Job Fair
The National Black Prosecutor's Association cordially invites you to participate in their annual job fair on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at the Marriot Memphis Downtown in Memphis, TN. The goal of the job fair is to promote diversity in prosecutors' offices. The Job Fair will provide a unique forum where law students, recent law graduates and experienced attorneys from across the nation can meet and interview with prospective prosecutorial employers at the local, state and federal levels. The registration fee for current law students is $25.00. After March 31st the fee will be $50.00 and after June 12th it will be $100. To register for the job fair, please complete the attached applicant registration form and submit it along with a resume and a check for the appropriate fee payable to the NBPA 26th Annual Conference or register with a credit card at
14. DuPont Legal Minority Job Fair
Attached please find a letter regarding the 2009 Dupont Legal Minority Job Fair to be held on Saturday, August 8, 2009 in one of the three locations - Houston, Los Angeles and Wilmington, DC.
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