Monday, November 05, 2007

Announcements for the week of November 5, 2007

The following are the APALSA announcements for the week of November 5, 2007. The announcements can also be seen by going to
HOW TO FIND A FIRM JOB -- Monday, November 12, 2007

Interested in working for a firm your 1L summer?

Come to APALSA's Brown Bag Luncheon on How to Find a Firm Job! 2Ls who worked for firms their 1L summer will relay their experiences about finding a firm job, how feasible it is for a 1L to find one, and whether they would recommend the experience to others.


Where: Location TBA
When: Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 12:15pm to 1:30pm

Bring your lunch and questions!

Those of you who signed up for access to the APALSA outline database on Lexis have been added and should be able to use the materials on the web course now. If you missed the outlining session and would like access to the database, or are already enrolled and have any questions, please contact Charlene Kwan.

ADDITIONALLY -- 2Ls and 3Ls, PLEASE submit any outlines you think may be useful for addition to the database. We need your help in keeping this valuable resource up to date!
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF), founded in 1974, is a national organization that protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans. By combining litigation, advocacy, education and organizing, AALDEF works with Asian American communities across the country to secure human rights for all. Current program priorities include economic justice for workers, immigrants' rights, voting rights, language access to services, affirmative action, youth rights and educational equity, and the elimination of anti-Asian violence, police misconduct and human trafficking. For more information about AALDEF, visit our website at

OFFICE ASSISTANT - Volunteer or Work-Study

- Responsibilities include data entry, organizing press clippings, answering phones, doing mailings, and performing general clerical duties.
- Other responsibilities include providing support for fundraising events, and community education and outreach projects.
- Computer experience with databases, graphics and web programs helpful. Chinese language ability (for press clippings) is also helpful, but not required.

This position is open ONLY to students with work-study grants or students who wish to volunteer. Schedule is flexible, work to be done during office hours 9:30am - 5:30pm. No evenings or weekends.

To Apply, interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter ASAP to:

Jennifer Weng
Office Assistant Position
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
99 Hudson Street, 12th floor
New York , New York 10013
fax: 212.966.4303
email: info [at] aaldef [dot] org

For more information, contact Jennifer Weng at 212-966-5932, ext. 212 or jweng [at] aaldef [dot] org.

* Goodwin Procter & Mass Mutual is proud to announce the launch of the Goodwin/MassMutual Diversity Fellowship.
* One qualified law student of color will:
o Have the opportunity to work at a leading law firm AND in-house with the lawyers of a leading financial group
o Gain direct insight into how law firm clients work and think
o Receive an annual award of $15,000
o Goodwin Procter also offers three additional Diversity Fellowships, which provide one-time awards of $15,000 each to qualified law students of color.

* For more information and to apply to any of their fellowships, please visit or contact them at fellowships[at]
PLEASE NOTE: The bulletin board outside the APALSA office is being updated on a semi-regular basis with job postings, applications for fellowships, Asian-American interest materials and other information (like the postings listed below). Feel free to stop by and check it out!
ATTENTION NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTS: 2008 Minority Fellowship in Environmental Law

The New York State Bar Association’s Environmental Law Section and the New York City Bar Association are once again offering minority fellowships for the summer of 2008.

Since 1992, minority environmental fellowships have been awarded each year for summer employment with governmental environmental agencies and private not-for-profit environmental organizations. The primary objective is to encourage and assist promising minority students to enter th field of environmental law, thereby enhancing diversity in the environmental legal community.

Minority law students are eligible for fellowship consideration if they are enrolled in a law school in New York State, or are permanent New York State residents enrolled in a law school in any other state. For purposes of the fellowship, minority is defined to include: African-American, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan native and Native American.

The successful applicant will receive a $6,000 stipend for ten weeks of employment in the summer. Placements are the responsibility of the fellowship winner. In the past, placements have been made with such agencies and organizations as Region II of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (New York City), the Environmental Protection Bureau of the New York State Department of Law (New York City), the Natural Resources Defense Council (New York City), Environmental Defense (New York City), and West Side Environmental Defense (Buffalo).

Each of the fellowship recipients is assigned mentors from the environmental bar, who provide guidance and encouragement throughout the term of the Fellowship. The mentors provide a valuable contact for the recipients during and after their law school studies. Additionally, the fellowship recipients are invited to attend a number of bar association meetings and events.

Application forms are on the bulletin board outside the APALSA office.


Applications must contain a completed application form, a resume, an undergraduate transcript, a law school transcript (except for first-year law students), a two-page essay describing applicant’s interest in environmental issues and reasons for wanting to participate in the Fellowship, and two letters of recommendation.

All applications must be received by November 16, 2007. Completed applications should be mailed to: New York State Bar Association, Environmental Law Section, One Elk Street, Albany, NY, 12207.

Detailed information and application forms may be obtained from: Fellowship in Environmental Law, New York State Bar Association, One Elk Street, Albany, New York, 12207, or by email at kplog [at] nysba [dot] org.
FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Commonwealth of Massachusetts – Office of the Attorney General

The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office is pleased to announce the return of their Fellowship Program. Through the program, the Office will provide employment opportunities for entry-level lawyers and law clerks seeking experience in the practice of law in the public sector. The Office looks forward to welcoming selected Fellows to the Office beginning in September 2008.

Fellows will have an opportunity to join one of five bureaus in the Office, including Executive, Public Protection and Advocacy, Government, Criminal ,and Business and Labor. Individuals selected as Fellows will receive mentoring and supervision during the two-year Fellowship period to ensure that their experience in the practice of law in a public law office is both enriching and successful.

Criterion for acceptance into the Fellowship Program will include academic achievement, law journal participation, law school competitions and extracurricular activities, and legal, professional, or personal experience related to the mission of the Office of the Attorney General. The Fellowship Program is an imitative of the office’s Diversity Committee and represents efforts to hire and retain staff from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Information about the Program and the application form are available at te website of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office at or by calling the Human Resources office at (617) 727-2200, ext. 2029. Additionally, information and brochures about the Fellowship Program are available at the Boston College Law School Career Services Office.